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Checkmate vision


New member
I just bought a 1990 Checkmate vision 221 with a 350 mag 270hp what can I expect to get out of this boat with a Quicksilver 3 blade 19p stainless prop.Is there any light mods I can do to get more speed.Thanks
An all aluminum LS motor is pretty light.......:bigthumb:

Congrats on the new boat, I'll say it before anybody else does, WE WANNA SEE PICS!!!! I have always loved the Visions. I'm not exactly sure what to tell you to expect on speeds, but it should run pretty good. Your first thing to play with to get the most out of the boat is props. For some reason I feel like that thing should be able to turn something bigger than a 19p. As far as mods go, I would keep my eyes open for a nice used performance exhaust set up, then you could do a small carb and nice intake, maybe even a small cam to wake it up.

I'm sure Kurtster will chime in here at some point. He has an extremely beautiful Vision and I believe its small block powered. He can point you in the right direction.

Oh yeah... :welcome:to the forum!!!
Thanks corey331 for your comments this is my first Checkmate what prop make and pitch do you recommend?

As I have zero experience with that hull, I would have no idea of what to tell you on that. There will be some people chime in here I'm sure that can point you in the right direction.
Yes I live in Maine 1900 miles in two days.She's a beauty ain't she.Even better now that I have been spit shinning it for a week.

Oh you bought the Kunkles boat? I have seen that thing in person and its beautiful!!! They don't come much cleaner than that!! The Kunkels are awesome people to deal with as well. Congrats again on such a nice boat!!!
A friend of mine was getting 50 to 55 depending on the load with his Vision. I am not sure what prop he was running.
If propped correctly with the motor spinning 5200 rpm, I would imagine you could see speeds in the upper 50's/low 60's. I know the boat ran mid to upper 60's with the Mercruiser 7.4L Magnum/Bravo One (365hp).
I'm sure Kurtster will chime in here at some point. He has an extremely beautiful Vision and I believe its small block powered. He can point you in the right direction.

Thanks for the kind words Corey!

My Vision came with stock 350 mag / alpha / 19p 3bld 14 1/2.

It topped off at 54mph {phone gps}

After 4 prop changes / added trim tabs / three carb changes / and the all important seat time.....

She now tops at 61mph @ a hair over 4900 {same phone gps}

It's a drivers boat, so when experiencing porpoising or even chine walking, simply trim accordingly and throttle past the problem.

You will love how this boat handles... good luck

Oh and by the way, beautiful boat and welcome to the forum.

Kurt,was anticipating what you had to say about this boat because you own one.What prop did you find to work out the best on top end?I would like to do some engine mods is there anything else you would recommend? Oh and thanks for all the kind words.
Kurt,was anticipating what you had to say about this boat because you own one.What prop did you find to work out the best on top end?I would like to do some engine mods is there anything else you would recommend? Oh and thanks for all the kind words.

Wow, I totally forgot to even tell you what I ended up using :o

I went from the 19p 14 1/2 3bld to a 24p 15in 3bld, that was too much prop for the sbc to spin, engine worked harder with no increase in top end so I tried a 24p 14 1/2, still a little too much, so I settled with a 22p 14 1/2 3bld.... top end increase 2 to 3mph --- ahhh perfect.

The carb, started with the 600, went to a 700 -- too much air for the stock manifold and cam, -- bogged at acceleration and no top end increase, so I stepped back a bit to a 650cfm holley, another 2 to 3 mph.... ahhh again perfect.

You could probably add another 2 to 3mph with an intake manifold upgrade and going with a 700 carb but without a cam upgrade you maybe disappointed, and ofcoarse if you go with a cam upgrade then you'll be chasing other needed upgrades like rods / lifters / valves / etc.. and all that money and labor won't be worth the small top end speed improvement.

You can't get much more than 58 to a little over 60mph with a sbc and an alpha dr, however that is a very respectful and fast speed.

By the way I see your from Maine.... I'm originally from Mass north shore and have done a lot of GREAT boating all my life on Moosehead and Sebago and Winni ---- dam I miss it up there :(
