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  • Shannon, call me when you can. I gotta tell you some stuff. Thanx, Randy 386-295-2132
    I've been watching the 2011 Pulsare 2100 that is for sale in Florida by a Randy who has a Checkmate/liberator dealership. He goes by Wildman. The boat is white and yellow. Not my favorite colors but I love the rigging. He claims mid 90's with a 300 which seems a tad high on this hull unless they lightened it some. He sold the motor so another 300 on this hull won't be cheap. Any opinions thoughts on this boat/set up and do you know anything about him as a dealer? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Rog
    I've been watching the 2011 Pulsare 2100 that is for sale in Florida by a Randy who has a Checkmate/liberator dealership. He goes by Wildman. The boat is white and yellow. Not my favorite colors but I love the rigging. He claims mid 90's with a 300 which seems a tad high on this hull unless they lightened it some. He sold the motor so another 300 on this hull won't be cheap. Any opinions thoughts on this boat/set up and do you know anything about him as a dealer? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Rog
    Hey Shannon,
    I posted the motor on scream and fly and have a guy who wants to come and see it tomorrow morning. Can you call me or give me an idea of what you were thinking the boat/trailer is worth? To cut through the BS, if you are thinking $500 I won't waste this guys time. If you're thinking $2000...ok.
    Just trying to save us both some time.
    Hey SCT I am very close to putting a deal together to put twin 150's on my 69 checkmate!! Do you know where I would find a power trim unit for one of them?
    Dude it really smells bad on your page. Did you fart or crap your pants ? I'm outa here
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