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Recent content by ThGdThBdThUgly

  1. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    . Long block will be here tomorrow, mine was a good core. :cheers: :) Will be putting it in first of next week. Going to install A1000 fuel pump and regulator too. :D
  2. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    So after inspection my block needs, bored, decked, etc. I am either going to buy a crate engine or try to find a low hour used one to get me through the season. Thanks for the input. :rof:
  3. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    So, today was informational. I am going to get new injectors as one of them is stuck open and another is sticky. Not to mention they are almost 20 years old. After doing another compression test (without a helper) cylinders 2 & 8 were 35 & 44 psi. Cylinders 4 & 6 were 5 & 15 psi. My helper...
  4. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    Is it a good chance it is only a head gasket? I will pull that head off in the boat if it is rather than pulling the engine.. Thanks for your opinion.
  5. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    What did yours do exactly before you replaced the coil? My scenario or the surging idle?
  6. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    It should fix it. Might check your timing if you have a scan tool to put it in service mode.
  7. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    So compression test didn't turn out in my favor. What is weird is it is only on the one side LoL (I have to laugh because it is better than being frustrated) Cylinders 1,3,5,7 = 139-145 psi Cylinders 2, 4, 6, 8 = 45 psi
  8. T

    502 MPI troubleshooting help

    So just over a week ago I took my boat out and the engine was idling high and surging. I jumped online and found that I should probably check IAC. Went ahead and installed a new one. Problem fixed. Took it out last Sunday and it seemed to run good for most of the day then it started to not...