New member
So just over a week ago I took my boat out and the engine was idling high and surging. I jumped online and found that I should probably check IAC. Went ahead and installed a new one. Problem fixed. Took it out last Sunday and it seemed to run good for most of the day then it started to not fire on all cylinders a couple times but would snap out of it. So since I forgot to check timing last weekend I went ahead and checked it yesterday. It was not at 8 degrees BTDC so I set it and the boat seemed to run good again. Took it out yesterday and about half hour in, the engine started only running on 6 cylinders. I shut it down and checked wiring connections. Nothing seemed to be out of place so I fired it up and attempted to head for the dock which was a couple miles away. I slowly got it up on plane and it would only rev to 3900 rpm's since it was not firing on all 8. Today I replaced the map sensor, tps, spark plugs, cap, rotor, & fuel filter. Boat starts and runs but not good. Cylinders 1,3,5,& 7 fire great and the exhaust water is warm. Unfortunetly the other exhaust is cold and the water smells like gas when it is running. When changing the plugs I put the camera down each cylinder and cylinders 4 & 6 are clean/washed. Not to mention both of those plugs are covered in gas. I plan on pulling the injectors to have them cleaned and tested. I am not positive that will fix the problem so I am asking if anyone has some suggestions? Is it possible the injectors could flood those cylinders to the point they won't fire?