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April 2007's Boat of the Month Nominations

Please choose two pics!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Well, well, well.

Here comes April.

Who Hoo! :banana:

We need two new pics for our boat of the month contest for April.

We seem to have some newer members who have been asking how exactly the Boat of the Month works, so I'll detail the process.

Here are the different parts of the contest and when they are approximately held.

-Nomination Thread (runs from the beginning of the month to mid month)
-Nomination Poll (is open from about mid month for about 7 days)
-Official Poll (runs from the close of the nomination poll until the end of the month)

Here is more detail on how the process works.

Every month, we hold a Boat of the Month contest. The Boat of the Month is chosen by our members via a poll. The poll, or the official poll as we call it includes five pictures of members boats. The member who's picture gets the most votes in the official poll, which is held at the end of each month, is declared our Boat of the Month. The Boat of the Month, is the picture which graces our entrance page and it changes once a month.

As I just mentioned, there are five members pictures which are in the official poll. Here is how the images get into the poll. Each month, we have a nomination thread where members are invited to post a picture of either their own boat, or, they can also nominate another members picture that they like by posting it in the nomination thread. Towards the middle of each month, we hold a poll in the nomination thread to find out which two pics are the top two. We find the top two pics by putting all the nomination pics into a poll, and the members each vote for their top two. The top two move on to the official poll.

So my guess is that you're probably asking why only two? Well here's the explanation.

As stated earlier, the official poll includes five pics. At the end of each month the pic that get the most votes is declared the winner of the Boat of the Month and is therefore retired from the next poll. The image that gets the least amount of votes, is dropped off as it is the weakest link, so that leaves three images remaining. Those three images carry on to the next month's contest to try again. So since we have one winner, and one pic eliminated, we therefore require two new pics to get us back to five. And the two new pics come from the nomination thread.

I hope that makes sense!


To enter your own pic into the Boat of the Month contest, simply post it in this thread.

If you would like to nominate a fellow member's pic, simply post it in this thread.

Towards mid month, we'll have a vote off to find the top two pics, which will move on and join our three holdover pics left over from last month's poll.

Good luck everyone!

Bring on the boats!

Wow Im still licken my wounds from march and just like that were on to april.:( I do love the metal flake BOSTON.
chris i uploaded it to gallery..but for the rest ???
You click on the thumbnail pic and then you'll be taken to the full size version. Below the pic, you'll see an area called photo details. If you hit the button "copy to clipboard" on the line that says BB Code: and just paste that info into your post as is, the full size pic will get posted.

There's another method as well where you get the url and put the url into the box that opens up similar to the hotlink method.

Anyhoo, here's your pic...

You click on the thumbnail pic and then you'll be taken to the full size version. Below the pic, you'll see an area called photo details. If you hit the button "copy to clipboard" on the line that says BB Code: and just paste that info into your post as is, the full size pic will get posted.

There's another method as well where you get the url and put the url into the box that opens up similar to the hotlink method.

Anyhoo, here's your pic...


thanks chris !!!
I got to say thats a great looking boat CLAUPIE what type of spead does it run?
AARON i only have about 20 hres running and i did bring it to 72 gps..my son says he did 76 gps ''hum i was not there to see ??'' yes merc 245 i much prefer the curved rear seat...the boat speedo is not working,the plastic pitot has broken off so i was thinking of installig a stainless one instead...