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Pic"s of Turning Point 4 Blade Prop


Well-known member
Just a couple of shots of a great prop!


  • HPIM1002.jpg
    62.4 KB · Views: 76
  • HPIM1011.jpg
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I ran one on a 20' Pulsare with a 225 optimax. It was awsome! The testing phase is over. Wildman also tested one and loved it! To see what Wildman had to say about these props, go to "Play to Win" and look for the thread "Long Awaited New Product". boatman
I saw the ad for them in the latest Bass and Walleye Boats. Claim to be the world's fastest bass boat prop. It may well end up being true, but they probably need to prove it first. I think Mazco holds the record at the moment.
Interesting configuration though. It kinda looks like a 4-blade Tempest rather than the typical round ear 4 blader.