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Just got our first Checkmate!


New member
Hi all,

We have been looking to upgrade our boat for some time now. We decided to wait till the fall when the prices usually come down. I had to drive 5 hours to look at this one, but one I saw her and rode in her, it was all over. Unfortunately we won't be at the lake again soon so I took her straight to winter storage. It's going to be a looooooooooooong winter.



2004 Pulsare 1600BR
Hi all,

We have been looking to upgrade our boat for some time now. We decided to wait till the fall when the prices usually come down. I had to drive 5 hours to look at this one, but one I saw her and rode in her, it was all over. Unfortunately we won't be at the lake again soon so I took her straight to winter storage. It's going to be a looooooooooooong winter.



2004 Pulsare 1600BR
hi Gregg..is your motor a 115 hp..did you buy it in canada or the states..??

It's a 125 actually. While I live in Waterloo (1 hour west of Toronto) I used the Boat Trader search to look all over Ontario. I saw this one in Cornwall. I talked to the kid that owned it a few times, and the dealer that originally sold the boat, and where the boat has always been kept. I invested 5 hours to drive there on Tuesday. When I got there the owner was out driving around. He came in and got me and took me for a spin. The speedo read 56 mph at top end. He said that with only him in the boat it does 59.

We then put the boat on the trailer (my avatar pic). There are a number of dings/gouges around the bumper line - which he told me before I came. The price sounded "too good to be true" so I was really paranoid. I checked everything I could. The trailer has never been out of the yard and is brand new. I called some marinas I know where I cottage (1 hour north of Peterborough) and ran it by them. They thought it was a fantastic deal too. I figure even if I need to put some money into it, I could still sell it and make money. Not that I am about to.

I love the colour - I'm sure not everyone does - and I have heard about Checkmates for years - never even seen one before. He did a tight RH U turn at about 50mph and I was sold!!!!

Took me another 5 hours to trailer it to the cottage, then a 1/2 hour the next morning down to the next lake where I store it.

I need a few things for the boat - can anyone here tell me where to get them? Cupholders - the front 2 have blown out. A new rear light (the one that screws into the aft-starboard corner) and the socket it screws into. A full mooring cover.

Many thanks in advance,


It's a 125 actually. While I live in Waterloo (1 hour west of Toronto) I used the Boat Trader search to look all over Ontario. I saw this one in Cornwall. I talked to the kid that owned it a few times, and the dealer that originally sold the boat, and where the boat has always been kept. I invested 5 hours to drive there on Tuesday. When I got there the owner was out driving around. He came in and got me and took me for a spin. The speedo read 56 mph at top end. He said that with only him in the boat it does 59.

We then put the boat on the trailer (my avatar pic). There are a number of dings/gouges around the bumper line - which he told me before I came. The price sounded "too good to be true" so I was really paranoid. I checked everything I could. The trailer has never been out of the yard and is brand new. I called some marinas I know where I cottage (1 hour north of Peterborough) and ran it by them. They thought it was a fantastic deal too. I figure even if I need to put some money into it, I could still sell it and make money. Not that I am about to.

I love the colour - I'm sure not everyone does - and I have heard about Checkmates for years - never even seen one before. He did a tight RH U turn at about 50mph and I was sold!!!!

Took me another 5 hours to trailer it to the cottage, then a 1/2 hour the next morning down to the next lake where I store it.

I need a few things for the boat - can anyone here tell me where to get them? Cupholders - the front 2 have blown out. A new rear light (the one that screws into the aft-starboard corner) and the socket it screws into. A full mooring cover.

Many thanks in advance,


Gregg,call the factory at 419-562-3881 ask for Mike Combs in parts..he will be able to help you on pretty well any parts you need..

A few pics (as requested above)


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A couple more...........


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Just bought the boat and put it up for storage. I can you do that, you must have some killer will power. I would at least hook it behind my truck and have someone drive down the road while I sat in the boat for a few miles so I could get the boating feeling. Okay thats it I'm not giving out anymore winter secrets.

Great boat (and color, the louder the better. Mine's red). You'll never regret a Checkmate. I have only had one for two years after 30 yrs or boating and I can't think of anything I'd switch to. And you're right, winter can be long. This site makes it go a little faster.
Nice pick up... Welcome!!!

I feel you on the long winter, we picked ours up and got about 3 weekends out of her
before having to put to bed for the winter.
VERY cool boat and color combo! Congrats! :thumb:

I've never had the chance to sit in a 1600. I'm 6' 4", do you think I could fit in one of these? Since CMate stopped making the Pulse 170/171, I've considered one of these as a great economy boat, but I can't find any around here to 'test fit'..........