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Lower Unit Blues


Well-known member
This is turning out to be a bad summer. I started out memorial day weekend with electrical problems and although I did get to use the boat, it was a bit unpleasant. The next weekend, my lower unit got stuck in forward. I pulled it off and took it to the shop and me and the guy at the shop spent a week trying to get it apart to rebuild it with no success. The prop shaft seems to be welded in place. Then I spent another week and a half trying to find a lower unit. Found one in Florida for $1100. I called the guy on thursday and had him ship it over night($245) so I could use the boat that weekend. Got home on Friday and sure enough, it was waiting for me. This unit uses the 2 peice upper shaft and when I went to put it on, I found out that the upper shaft was for a 25" mid-section. Another weekend with no boat.(3 in a row) The guy sends me the right shaft (got it the next thursday) put it on the boat and went for a test run of about 30 minutes and haven't got to use it anymore until today because of rain or work. Went out this morning for another test run trying to narrow down the electrical problem and was on the water for a short time when the lower unit went out again! This time I had to be towed 3 miles by a pontoon boat. The good news is, I called the guy and he is putting me another one together from scratch and sending it to me. The bad news is, a 4 day weekend with no boat! I NEED STRESS RELIEF! boatman
Okay after reading your post I have made my decision. It is you, your bad luck. I ran my boat hard all last summer and you drive up here get in my boat and 5 minutes later the drive breaks. Atleast I got a Welcraft to pull us back.

Warning all Checkmate board members do not let Boatman in your boat. Buy his props and parts and take his advice but do not let him in your boat.

Good luck with your repairs. BR
You make a valid point Red. Would it make a difference if I said it was a pontoon boat loaded with good looking women? boatman
I feel your pain, boatman. I am heading to lake cumberland
this weekend for our first boating weekend of the year!!
The rebuild turned out to be a 5 week ordeal so were getn
a late start, wish me luck! I hope your back on the h20 sooner
than I was! Shoot, in 4 wks it's poker run on Erie, times going
too fast!
Oh yeh you got to love the pontoons full of women.


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