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Anyone using 2" spacers with their outboard?


Active member
I'm currently running a 5" CMC manual jackplate on my 2400 Pulsare with a 10" notch in the transom. I want to switch to a hydraulic plate but would like to test with a little more setback before I make the switch. With the spacer I would be at 17" of total setback which is closer to the 18" that Randy recommends on these hulls. I've seen the 2" aluminum spacers and wondered if anyone has used them and if there are any issues I should be aware of before putting them on. I'm running an Evinrude 225HO on the boat.
I don't think you'd have any issues at all... I'd like to know what kind of difference it makes. I ever bought a 2400, I'd option for the notch as well- sounds like a cool boat!

off topic: Man! That is a awesome paintjob on that motor above! Looks sweet.
Thanks for the responses. I didn't think I'd have any problems, but the only boats I've seen with these were all V4's. I just wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any problems with the bigger motor. I'll let everyone know if they make a difference once I get them and the weather breaks. In the meantime I have to get busy installing the hoist in the garage.:)
In the meantime I have to get busy installing the hoist in the garage.:)[/QUOTE]

If there is a pep boys by you they sell a "car motor" hoist that will work for outboards. You just need the proper lifting ring for your motor, ie OMC Merc. I think I paid about $100 for it
Hi there, here is another option ... this is the setup on my Pulsare 21 with a Johnson 225 ho. It's the spacer bracket from CMC


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Bruce - Thanks for the idea - I hadn't even looked at CMC's site for an option - DUH!

HotDaddy - Yes, I have Kips boat, and we are very happy with it. We are a waterski/wakeboard family that also likes the option of running down the lake without getting beat to death, so for us it is a great solution compared to anything else in the size range.
mragu - I have a 1.5 ton chain hoist with a track. I just never got around to installing the track for it in my pole barn, it's been sitting up in the rafters waiting. I do need to locate the lifting ring.
mragu - I have a 1.5 ton chain hoist with a track. I just never got around to installing the track for it in my pole barn, it's been sitting up in the rafters waiting. I do need to locate the lifting ring.

Thats better than the portable hoist. I am building a house now and have the framer setting an I beam in the garage for palying around. Ebay has the lifting rings for the best prices. I picked up a Merc for $25. At my local OMC dealer they wanted $125 for an omc. I borrowed my friemds but Ebay has them also. Hope this helps
HotDaddy - Yes, I have Kips boat, and we are very happy with it. We are a waterski/wakeboard family that also likes the option of running down the lake without getting beat to death, so for us it is a great solution compared to anything else in the size range.

I have seen that boat first hand, and it is very nice. Even the Evinrude wasn't so bad...lol.

Seriously though, very nice combo!:bigthumb:

Kip added a ski pylon to it when I bought it. Along with my spacer/setback project, I'm currently adding some bezels to the cleats to match the ones on the gauges, and swapping out the head unit for one that I can plug the ipod right into. Also trying to re-engineer the bench seat so it is easier to get at all the storage that is currently wasted behind it. That and getting the prop touched up should keep me busy until the weather gets a little better.
That reminds me. I have to replace my OEM head unit too... The one I have now gets the job done with an amp, but thats about it. Going to install a new one with a remote at the helm.

I agree about the stern storage. When I re-rigged mine I used it a few times without the rear bench. I could get a ton of coolers/chairs/bucket with anchor back in the stern area. Now with the bench in all I can do is reach the battery selector switch and add oil to the tank.

Boat is lighter without the bench too, but the PVC patio furniture didn't loook too good in the boat, but it was comfortable for while.

I really ought to re engineer the rear bench with a composite board/glass layup and save about 50 lbs in the stern but that isn't going to happen soon.

Going to attempt to get the boat out this weekend. Supposed to be around 60 Sunday/Monday. Going to take the day off if I have too, and eveluate my need for more setback as well. I may try some spacers.