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2025 2400 BRX Video


Well-known member
Nice video/review of a 2025 2400 BRXw- a Merc 500R.

Watching the video, the boat looks very nice w- a lot of modern features and amenities. I really like the new windshield, modern gauges, updated interior and magnets securing the seat cushions. Wonder what the final speed will be with the 500R once the boat is dialed in…… I would hope closer to 90.

I’d like to crawl around the boat and see if the quality has improved from the new owners. But at the end of the day, I’m probably not a buyer at the crazy prices nowadays😂
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Nice video/review of a 2025 2400 BRXw- a Merc 500R.

Watching the video, the boat looks very nice w- a lot of modern features and amenities. I really like the new windshield, modern gauges, updated interior and magnets securing the seat cushions. Wonder what the final speed will be with the 500R once the boat is dialed in…… I would hope closer to 90.

I’d like to crawl around the boat and see if the quality has improved from the new owners. But at the end of the day, I’m probably not a buyer at the crazy prices nowadays😂
I'd like to buy those seats for my 2400. That boat has long trim tabs, but if you watch it closely, it is still porpoising in all videos. Perhaps the setback, additional weight of the 500R and all the passengers in the boat is causing it? I hate to say it, but there are better performance options out there for the current MRSP of the Checkmate.
Nice video/review of a 2025 2400 BRXw- a Merc 500R.

Watching the video, the boat looks very nice w- a lot of modern features and amenities. I really like the new windshield, modern gauges, updated interior and magnets securing the seat cushions. Wonder what the final speed will be with the 500R once the boat is dialed in…… I would hope closer to 90.

I’d like to crawl around the boat and see if the quality has improved from the new owners. But at the end of the day, I’m probably not a buyer at the crazy prices nowadays😂
One thing for sure that you can see without much effort is paint. And whats up with those K-planes? Looks as useful as a pickup with some of that “Carolina squat”! 😂🤣😂
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I’m wondering if those large K-Planes are needed to offset the extra weight of the 500 while cruising to counter the inherited porpoising characteristic of the 2400, they sure are big though.
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I’m wondering if those large K-Planes are needed to offset the extra weight of the 500 while cruising to counter the inherited porpoising characteristic of the 2400, they sure are big though.
The 500 doesn't weigh much more than our 400’s. My guess is the setback, as you know the difference you experienced when you reduced yours. They are probably trying to solve for that with those huge tabs. But at 60+, that part of the hull isn't in the water anyway. So maybe they help for low speed wakeboarding? But, what do we know, were not the ones building and selling a $170k boat. 😉