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  • Any numbers on the new setup with the 400?
    Look forward to seeing your boat at the Cumberland Rally.
    Hey JJG,

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to the forum and I am considering purchasing my first checkmate. I have been doing a lot of research and came across your old 1850 br. What a beautiful looking boat! I see that you up sized to a 2400. Any particular reason? The only concern that I have is I am up in New York on the St Lawrence river and I'm worried I may get thrown around a little bit on the 18 foot. Truth is I have fallen in love with the boat. I had found it online and then last week found your post on the forum when you were selling it. So you sold it in August correct? I have been considering making an offer to the dealer who has it. Someone in Ohio. Is that who you sold it to? Just wondering if you could give me any additional info on the boat including how it rides in a little bit of chop. Finally, would you have any advice on what kind of an offer I could make? He is asking 26,900. Thanks for the help!
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