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2000 259 convincor stringer delamination


New member
I just went on a sea trail on 2000 259 convincor and mechancially everything seem ok. Upon looking around the engine compartment i noticed an open seam in fiberglass on top of the stringer. The marina state that its not structural just where the fiberglass mesh overlapes and is just done as a finish for appearnace. The port side overlap runs the lenght of the stringer as far as i can see untill it disappears under the floor. The starboard side finished a little different but still has fiberglass overlaping with some peeling apart. Any ideas?
Welcome Dvalen.

Do you have any pics of the effected area. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks on here that can help, but a visual will make a big difference.
sorry no pics it looks like where the boat was finished from checkmate where one piece of glass is laid over top the other. All along the seam where they meet its loose or lifting a little. Anyone else seem anything like this?:brickwall:
I had a little something like that in my '97 253. I did not find any wet wood and turned out to be purely cosmetic. It was overlap from the floor panels on each side of the bilge. I ended up glassing some woven cloth over the whole area when I redid my motor mounta.
I had a little something like that in my '97 253. I did not find any wet wood and turned out to be purely cosmetic. It was overlap from the floor panels on each side of the bilge. I ended up glassing some woven cloth over the whole area when I redid my motor mounta.

Easy for you to repair as you rarely have a engine in your boat.:shakehead:
i just finished reading your thread about your concerns gimmefuel It would be nice if i could remove some bolts or check there tightness to check stringers. Marina probaly wont let me touch things like that. Maybe ill try to find someone local who could survey it or just look at the stringers at least
would tap on it with a hard plastic hammer all up and down the stringer...listen for any weird sound changes...then you will know for sure if there's any bad wood hiding inside...