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2010 Catalog

I'm glad to see that they're making a catalog, and it's sharp too!
Not sure why the Pulsares are missing though... guess they don't want to sell anything under 24'?

The only criticism I have is that there's not a whole lot of information on each model... i.e. standard features, accessories, etc.
nice book - but something appears to be missing - like half the lineup - or did they dump everything under 24 feet?
At least some of the tradditional line up is still available to view online. If all you see is the catalog you wouldn't know they still exist. However I am glad to see they continue to make efforts to move forward.
Small catalog....

Guys .....before this gets blown out of proportion. This is not a 2010 full line catalog (obviously)......it's a stop gap between the catalog we put out originally......to current. It only has models that are new ( or introduced ) sense first catalog was printed. Neither catalog is dated.....most people still want a catalog even though web site' are much more informative,current, etc. So ....this made the most sense for us at this time to add this to the other catalog for mailings to cover the hole line. We will most likely do a new full line catalog this coming summer. It was designed to tie into the web site looks wise.
I like what I saw -- It was limited to most of the new stuff -- but the old stuff sells itself. Kip you should put the new bucket seats you guys are offering as standard equipment!!!:D:D:D Randy sent me the photo's -- they look great and you save a ton as opposed to the Mcleod seats.:bigthumb:

I also am being told that they will build a 24 with a beefed up transom that will handle twins!!!:thumb::thumb:
Guys .....before this gets blown out of proportion. This is not a 2010 full line catalog (obviously)......it's a stop gap between the catalog we put out originally......to current. It only has models that are new ( or introduced ) sense first catalog was printed. Neither catalog is dated.....most people still want a catalog even though web site' are much more informative,current, etc. So ....this made the most sense for us at this time to add this to the other catalog for mailings to cover the hole line. We will most likely do a new full line catalog this coming summer. It was designed to tie into the web site looks wise.

I figured it was an attemp to introduce the new members of the family (step family as some may say lol)...

Kip, nice work getting the catalog on the web page. I enjoyed looking through it.

Hope all is well.

I noticed that the link from the web site says "2010 New Model Catalog". It looks great. In fact IMHO the entire Checkmate website is looking sharp.