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BRX 2400 500R Repower

Hey Petro, ice melted? How’s she running?
Beautiful setup Mr Petro 👍. I may consider upgrading to the 500 but would first want to add some more stability to the transom like you did James. I will dig back through the threads to see what you did.
Hey Chuck, good to hear from you. Yeah I went a bit overboard with my stability/reinforcement 😁 if I would have seen how CheckMate reinforced jjg’s transom I would have gone that route. I think with the 500 hanging off the transom mounted on a hydraulic jack that a bit of weight and balance calculation and testing will be in order to get the BRX to run true. To bad Petro ghosted us 👻 😂😂
what did that 500 end up costing? My dealer is quoting 72,000 + 12,500 for rigging. Coming from a 2016 Verado 300. 85,000 all in. Seems stupidly high to me.