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Change out stock 260ZT seats to swivel seat


New member

I hope I'm posting this in the right place. English is not my first language as I live in Sweden I hope you understand my questions.

I have a 260ZT from -99 and as much as I like the look of the stock front seats I miss being able to turn them around.

Has anyone changed out their stock seats for seats with a swivel?

Does anyone know how the original seats are attached to the floor? are they boulted right thrue with a nut in the back?

Would it be possible to make new holes in the floore without hitting the gas tank or something?

Thank you!

Just removed the drivers side bolster seat from my 2000 24 zt. The 4 legs were simply lag screwed in. What was a surprise was, there is 2 large lag bolts ( 1/2 x 4 inches long) that come in from side under the side dashboard. They pass thru 2 holes apx. 3/4 in round. Those would be visible with bucket seats that spin. I believe there would be to much stress on a tall pedestal seat like you thinking. Good Luck,
The guy who owned my boat before me did the conversion and they seem fine. The swivel seats he used have the fold up bottom to the seat so you can stand if you wish. I don't notice any sway or undue motion, they seem to be anchored quite well. I believe there are about 10 - 15 big screws through the base of the pedestal holding them down. It appears they are just lag screwed into the floor like the originals. I will post some pictures if I can find them.
Thank you both for the answers!
SweetK if you could find some pictures that would be awesome!

I work with seats for forestry machines that takes allot of abuse so finding a pedestal and seat that will take the abuse will not be a problem.

MY biggest concern is how to boult it to the floore. I'm surprised that lag screws are used and I just dont want to put one of them straight into the fuel tank or some othe vital part of the boat.....

Merc245 do you mean that there will be screws sticking out from the side towards the seat?

Thank you!
they come thru the side dash and are screwed into the side of the bolster seat. Once you unscrew them the only thing left will be the holes that they were run through
I have the holes in my side as described. The previous owner just left them:sick: I filled them with white plastic grommets from Lowes. Not concourse restoration, but better.
Ok, thanks clearafying.

Does anyone know where the gas tank is located? I dont want to put screws right thrue it.....
That’s what I was thinking, probably can get on the internet and find some plugs that will work perfectly. I love the internet I find everything my mind can think up👍