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Checkmate Swim Ladders


Well-known member
During my cleanup process I've been directed (by Checkmate) to Aquarius Ladder for misc parts that I need. I don't know exactly what years they've made these parts, but I would assume at least through the early 90s. They were pretty helpful and still have plenty of parts for late models.

Located in Harrison MI-


:surf: :thumb:
Thats for the Info I also need to pick up a couple of peices for my ladder too!

:bounce: :banana: :thumb: :bigthumb:

See I'm not a bad guy just trying to help.
The prices are a little ridiculous for entire ladders, but I'm pretty sure they custom make anything besides the mounting hardware. The black 'anti-skin-gash' plastic caps are especially cheap. Good to replace those things when they fall off! (Apparently the previous owner didn't think so...)
Just picked up some parts from Aquarius today... great people to buy from (although they don't accept credit cards). I will be sure to upload one of their business cards with all their detailed information.

HIGHLY recommended!