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CLE: What's the skinny?


I have been debating whether to have my CLE case
modified with a bob's cone to help with bowlift. I'm presently running 76-78 with the CLE and a 25" 3 blade, but I use alot of positive trim. I have 11" of setback, but have been told the longer less cresent shaped cone would help my lift. I run approx 2" below pad at WOT, but what about with a Chopper? I would run that higher, so that might negate the CLE detrement? What about the longer gearcase scrubbing speed? This topic drives me nuts! I just don't have the cash or contacts to experiment with props or cases, so I have to try and guess what the outcome would be. Give me some feedback if you could!!
I have been debating whether to have my CLE case
modified with a bob's cone to help with bowlift. I'm presently running 76-78 with the CLE and a 25" 3 blade, but I use alot of positive trim. I have 11" of setback, but have been told the longer less cresent shaped cone would help my lift. I run approx 2" below pad at WOT, but what about with a Chopper? I would run that higher, so that might negate the CLE detrement? What about the longer gearcase scrubbing speed? This topic drives me nuts! I just don't have the cash or contacts to experiment with props or cases, so I have to try and guess what the outcome would be. Give me some feedback if you could!!
What I've read on the Scream and Fly is a Bob's is always faster than a CLE, but both are for really high propshaft heights and no positive trim. If you're using positive trim, then the standard 200 case (Alpha) is supposed to be the fastest up to 85 (unless you can afford a fortified XR6 small diameter case). You have a buddy close by with a standard case he'd be willing to swap with you for a weekend?

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax/23" Tempest
Thanks for the input guys. I could probably get the case off of my old engine, but I put a Land & Sea cone on that. That helped my top end on an Enchanter, but I didn't have any setback to speak of, and I used to run it high with a Chopper. I think I'll probably stick with what I've got until I can get some GPS #'s to go by.
I will play with a Chopper this summer and see what that will do with the setback. I can't really go wrong with a Trophy, but I'm hung up on wringing every MPH out of it. Best top end is going to come with a 3 Blade. Tempest or Lightning modded Chopper, then have it tweeked and polished to dial in the rpm near 6600. I could do well with a Hydromotive Quad IV OT or
a modified Trophy, but I think the 3 Blade will still be faster. Thoughts? What Rpm are you at with the 23" JW? How's your lift? I found the bow of the Pulsare kind of missleading with the
way it curves downward, as opposed to my Enchanter. I took video to see where it was riding. Give me your thoughts, I love this stuff
in the dead of a rotten winter. It's -4 today!!
It's hard to tell from the drivers seat, but my curved down bow looks to be about level when I'm ripping. Motor is trimmed past level of course, but the Tempest is a GREAT prop for bow lifting that looooong Pulsare. RPM's at about 6350 on my Merc 10k tach. Torquemaster lower unit with 1.87:1 gears (same as a standard '200' case (alpha) but the Torquemaster has beefier internals for surface running the prop)
Spectators tell me I only have about 2-3 foot of the hull in the water, I'm floating the rest.

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax/23" Tempest
Sounds like you get great lift with that prop. With more setback, you should be able to neutralize your trim angle and pick a few more MPH. Plus, you will be able to jack it higher. Are you going to go ahead with more setback? I would like to try a set of 1.75 gears on the ProMax, but I don't have Lake X type parts laying around. I tried to use Merc's prop loaner program, but the nearest dealer using this program is 300 miles away. Tough to dial in the rig when there is no support system. When do you put your boat in and take it out for the season? Also, do you use synthetic? I have been using Premium Plus, but it's 23 bucks a gallon, and I've been thinking about Amsoil or Pennzoil. Would love to put an SVS on the intake system and shave the heads. I've read the steps to take to get 250-260 propshaft Hp out of the ProMax, without sacrificing alot of
the reliability. Would cost about 3grand to do it though.
Stay away from Penzoil, about the worst oil on the market. I used OMC's new synthetic for that they formulated for the ficht motor. I got it for 18 buck per gallon in bulk and I had no troubles what so ever. It smelled good to. No, it does not matter if you use OMC oil in a Merc. or vise versa.
Bill, I have to ask, Whats the problem with penzoil synthetic, and what do you base this information on. The reason I ask is that there are some big name racers and engine builders that are running this stuff and having no trouble with it.


1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+