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Custom Avatar Drive!


Staff member
Hey guys and dolls.

I want to put a little push on to get as many people as possible a custom avatar. I really like it when someone posts and we can see a pic of their boat, it adds a personal touch!

So here is what I need you to do. Email me over the best pic you have of your boat. It needs to be in the jpg format. And the best avatars usually are made from close up pics, and pics which can be cropped to be square. So find your best pic that fits the bill. And I will look after the cropping, resizing and loading it up on the server, and into your profile part for you.

If you are boatless or would like something else as your avatar. Please send over what you would like and I will get it done for you. Please include your board username in your email so I can easily identify which member you are. And please don't send Bikini Babe shots as we try to be a family friendly message board!

Email link is below.


Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
You're welcome Gus.

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