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Delaware river - 20th April


Well-known member
Any takers?

Sim and I lookoing to get out on Sunday afternoon for a few hours in 2 boats, launching from Curtins by Burllington Island.

Well, I'll be a lot closer than I normally am, but I helping a buddy move his new (to him) 40' cruiser from Reedville, VA to Washington, NC over the weekend!
Isn't that Easter Sunday? I'll be in Flemington but no can do. I've still got Sim's 27P Mirage here I've got to get back to him. Wish I could make it.
Isn't that Easter Sunday? I'll be in Flemington but no can do. I've still got Sim's 27P Mirage here I've got to get back to him. Wish I could make it.

Yes, Easter Sunday. Have the kids Easter Egg hunt happening the evening before so Dad gets to enjoy First Powerboat Sunday (in his boat)! :bigthumb:
I think that's one of the few upsides to having my old dears living on the other side of the Atlantic...:(
I would if I could, but it's Easter. Maybe later in the year and I'll drag Keith with me.
I thought you all would be in Church Easter Sunday. This Irish Catholic is, then breakfast at Mom and Dad's, later dinner at Sister's, after that will bend the elbow a little.

I dropped that RC stuff a long long time ago. Probably around the time I went to a Protestant high school - which didn't stick either! Let's not go there.

But anyway - back to the day...

Had a great few hours out with the clan and Sim. Brought along the dog this time to see how he liked it. Wasn't fazed in the slightest.

There wasn't much to see from my seat except Sim enjoying the Enforcer, and my family eating chocolate and candy!














Yeah, it was a nice day but kind of chilly. Nobody wanted to come out with me so I went by myself to meet up with knarl and fam and do some prop testing.
The Bravo 1 I picked up on e-bay made for a great holeshot and added at least 5 mph. Didn't really have a chance to open her up and see what she'd do. Here's some pics of knarl andfam;DFC81DC9-C2FF-4F5C-BB38-676A69E9D517_zpstaw7wfjb.jpg
I would have loved to join you guys but just got back from a long RV drive from Florida for spring break vacation and that whole Easter thing was going on.

I now have the fever to get the boat out because it just doesn't look right with snow:)

Great pictures and next time I will try to bust out.:bounce:


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I would have loved to join you guys but just got back from a long RV drive from Florida for spring break vacation and that whole Easter thing was going on.

I now have the fever to get the boat out because it just doesn't look right with snow:)

Great pictures and next time I will try to bust out.:bounce:
Seriously? That's recent snow piles? I thought it was just about all gone from here. I'm just about sure
we're going out again this weekend. You in?
And where's Bruce (dmag) and Spence/Ram?
An update from farther south - we went from Reedsville, VA to Coinjock, NC on Friday and Sat, then a Nor'Easter blew through Saturday night and Sunday. Being our first trip in a larger boat and with winds gusting to 40 knots, we decided to lay over in Coinjock; and will leave there tomorrow with hopes of making Washington, NC on Wed afternoon.