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do's and dont's for spraying gel

all right. wind is blowing a hundred mph. the temp is droping like a lead ball. so that means the humidity is also. well well, do not spray gel if the humidity is above 50% it will not polish out. it gets really hazy. i also learned to follow the directions really close. if the can says only one or two tbs. dont not put three. you will be using 10 times more sand paper. the styrene wax helps protect the gel from the elements like temp, humidity etc. just becuze the humidity is a little high, do not add more wax.... next would be thining the product. it calls for styrene thinner and u must use styrene thinner. nothing else will work. so all i have left is the consoles. that will be done sat. i will post pic then of a finish boat. i will do it on endless boating. the outcome of this project has turned out to be a real beatiful boat again. i have learned a very lot of vauble lessons about gel coat. it is not hard to work with but on the other hand it is a very precious process. i will say the autmotive clear is much more forgiving if you make a mistake, like not put enough mills or put to many mills. it does require a bunch of sanding (dry not wet due to wax). but in my own opinion, it worth ever pad i changed. it looks like my flake is about an inch deep in the boat. and the shine,well its one of the deepest i have ever seen. i am gona say that the hardest part in the whole deal is sanding all the concave courves by hand, because if you bust trough to the orginal gel, it will give you two diffrent depths of shine. if yall have any questons about the pro's and cons, give me a pm and i will try to anserwer them as best i can. if yall could see the end product of this project, i think you would say its worh all the effort. thanks for the help and support form yall.