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dual cable set-up!!!?????????

funny- let me know..... i can see east bay from my drive! suttons bay is a 20 min. ride by boat out of west bay that is 2 min. from me!!!!:)
i have never been up there that time of year. is it still pretty cold? i am usualy in oscoda for the weekend.
um-have you mod' a boat like this before??? if you have then you are way faster than me!!!

You didn't notice the name did ya??? I'm just screwing with you dude...I know it's not ready...Hell theres still ice on the lakes! If you need a hand and I'm up there let me know...Maybe I'll catch ya next weekend at the hill???
matt where in oscoda do you normally go to ? we have a place further north in alpena ! (why i 'm always or was on the lookout for you guys as i go north )
I was going to start a thread on this exact subject... great info guys!!! I just ordered a Teleflex SS15213 to replace my single cable rotary steering because I now have a v6 150hp and I used to have a v4 120. Instead of busting out a grand for hydraulic I should be fine with a SS NFB dual R&P setup.:thumb:

My only question is: I don't know if the package comes with the connector for the two shafts or not, where can I get one?