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Florida winter gathering


Well-known member
Maybe those of us whom are fortunate enough to have liquid water all year long could entertain the idea of getting together maybe in Nov or Dec and give all these northerners something to dream about.

I was thinking maybe getting together in a central location on the west coast because nothing much ever happens here.

Any Ideas, suggestion, thoughts?
Maybe those of us whom are fortunate enough to have liquid water all year long could entertain the idea of getting together maybe in Nov or Dec and give all these northerners something to dream about.

I was thinking maybe getting together in a central location on the west coast because nothing much ever happens here.

Any Ideas, suggestion, thoughts?

I Wanna Go

Count me in Mike, just give me time to fix the Freakin Tilt/Trim:surf:
Maybe those of us whom are fortunate enough to have liquid water all year long could entertain the idea of getting together maybe in Nov or Dec and give all these northerners something to dream about.

I was thinking maybe getting together in a central location on the west coast because nothing much ever happens here.

Any Ideas, suggestion, thoughts?
I'd love to. Where ya thinkn I'm in norh east FL, Not sure I wan't haul to far.The trailer hasn't had any love in a while.:banana:
Guys we need some suggestions. The only water I am familiar with is Tampa Bay which would be a good location but, it is only a suggestion at this point.
Find an area in the panhandle and some of the Cajun Checks might be able to make it.

Sorry: must have lost my "inner voice"!
lol we need to start making some kind of plan lol I need to put in for the day off. I also cleaned the filter in the tank today and got all the lnes cleaned out and the carb blew itself out in a big cloud out the exaust lol. got it timed and was running smoth and no more hesitation. going to polish it, put it back together and take her for a test run.
OK I talked to a few guys about this and I came up with something. As for this gathering, it is going to be an unofficial gathering. Anyone is more then welcome to join. Earily December and I think we should keep it in small water due to the unpredictable weather.

Also, I think we should start now to make plans on a larger official gathering in maybe Feb. or March somewhere in north FL so we can have a more central location.
If you don't mind I'll be St. Petes/ Treasure Island checking on a project I designed during the middle of December. If it works out and no one minds that I hang out on their boat, I would like to join in too. I'd bring my boat but I think Northwest might consider it as oversized luggage and it's all wraped up for the cool weather ahead here in Michigan.
If you don't mind I'll be St. Petes/ Treasure Island checking on a project I designed during the middle of December. If it works out and no one minds that I hang out on their boat, I would like to join in too. I'd bring my boat but I think Northwest might consider it as oversized luggage and it's all wraped up for the cool weather ahead here in Michigan.
Boy, Would'nt that make all your buddies up north jelous.I think it's gonna be early Dec.,but I could be wrong.Watch for date.