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I am not happy about this at all

well i never expected this thread to go this direction either.

i basically just wanted to say that im a little ticked at the ones who crapped on my convincor thread and caused it to be closed. and to ask that it be cleaned up and re-opened.

great site, great members, great moderator, great boats!! yada yada yada

merry x mas to all........

Hey, I wish you well, and I hope I'm never part of the problem. But I don't think this thread could go anywhere else but in this direction( I know it's hindsight at this point) but really I think this is the only place this thread could have gone.

For the record, I'm with you, I really like the 300 convincor hull and to have a thread with the good and bad all together about that hull was a great idea and it is too bad that we don't. There are alot of CM fans that want that hull at some point and will continue to ask questions about it.
Let it be known that Chris is WAY nicer and more patient than I am. If I feel that he's getting depressed about what's going on around here, or if I feel someone needs to be shut down for a while, I'll do it without hesitation. I typically shoot first, and don't bother to ask forgiveness later. Chris is more likely to moderate a post, but I'm more likely to moderate a member :devil:

We've had quite a few discussions in the moderators area about a few certain members lately. The list is fortunately short, but even one member on our 'list' is one too many. We've collectively banned less than a handful of members since day 1, and I hope to keep it that way.

Chris runs this site for the members. If he were to decide to shut this down, how sucky would that be? So don't be the member I have to ban because I don't want Chris to give this up.

If you feel I might be talking about you, then you ought to rethink how you act on here...................

Everyone else, THANKS for being a fantastic group and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever the case may be! :bigthumb:

I'm with you on that JW, Chris is very patient with the trouble makers, far more than i would be. i'm glad that you guys let most of the stuff go and do appreciate it when you drop the hammer as you do so very sparingly.

you treat the people on here like adults even when at times it appears some choose not to behave like them.

you guys do a great job and i am glad to have been able to contribute and enjoy these forums over the years, been around 8 years of loitering for me.

merry christmas guys!