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Is Anyone Still Using....?

Hi Gang,

I just wanted to give you a bit of an update on the alternate themes and where we're at with them.

There have been a number of vBulletin software updates that I have had to do, for one reason or another and hence I have been held up somewhat until this latest version is a bit more stable.

The new vBulletin version that we are running introduced a number of additional features and along with new features come bugs and security issues. And there have been a few over the past couple of weeks.

Once things settle down with the vBulletin updates, I'll get to working on bringing back the alternate themes.

I just wanted to let y'all know I didn't forget about cha. ;)

I've just been a bit held up is all. :)

Hey Gang,

I've got the grey theme back up and running.

Sorry for the delay, but there were a number of small upgrades that had to be done that delayed things - and then there was the work of re-writing and recreating the old theme.

If you notice any odd-ball things wrong with the grey theme let me know and I'll do my best to fix them up if possible.
