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jobby 2 this weekend the 13th

Man I never heard of jobbienooner until recently on this site
but after viewing the jobbienooner website it sure looks like
my kind of party. I must attend one and intend to get one
on our '09 boating calendar:D
You will not regret it!!!!!:drool: The first and largestparty is at the end of June.Just put out a thread out here next june and I'll help with everything I can.
jobbienooner fever

Sweet! If you come down to this demo days deal
on the Ohio river we can chat up the jobbienooner!
Let me know if you decide to do so:thumb:
this one is pretty big. the one this year in june was about 1/2 of what it normally is i think due to the weather....cold and storms. hopefully will have a good turn out. i will post this up next spring and get some others out for the june 09.
looks like the weather has turned for a no go now. 70% chance of rain/thunder

Don't let the weatherman scare you 81, he is wrong more than not!
It is raining here north of Cincinnati and the forecast for the put in bay
area is rain all weekend, but we will be heading north in about an hour
in spite of that prediction. If I stayed home everytime they called for
rain I'd have done only half of the boating we did this summer and
we go nearly every weekend and sometimes during the week too!:)
Hope you're all having a good time! Looks like a wet one out there :bigthumb:
That should make jobbie even more interesting!