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Johnson HELP!

Saw an add for a 1979 Johnson 75 stinger. The add says the motor idles good but at half throttle shakes like crazy. Could this be an internal problem rendering it scrap? I had a sport e stinger on a 14 ft tunnel and it flew. So I am kinda partial to these motors. But can't afford to buy junk! :)
Don't waste your time on a motor that is not running right in the first place, unless you know how to fix it. Or get it for free and just want to take it apart to learn. You can buy a lot of expensive parts and still have a piece of junk
Know how to fix it?

Don't waste your time on a motor that is not running right in the first place, unless you know how to fix it. Or get it for free and just want to take it apart to learn. You can buy a lot of expensive parts and still have a piece of junk

Read my avatar
Read my avatar

I know who you are, if you want to look at it, buy it and fix it, I'm sure you'll be fine.

But a guy who can't fix it himself, and can't diagnose what's wrong himself or if it's too far away and he is reliing on the seller to tell him, well that is not the motor to buy. Unless it's free or maybe $20.
You ever said what is wrong with it. So like we always tell everyone, If it's got spark, compression and there's no water in the gearcase, It just needs a tune-up and a water pump. Did you check any of that yet??
found out this boat and motor was on Craigslist last year and never sold. The motor has been removed from the boat. Unless I can get it for little to nothing, it is too big of a risk for me.