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Jupiter Spring Hot Boat Ralley


Well-known member
The Jupiter Sping Hot Boat Ralley will be this coming sunday the 27th. It will begin at Burt Reynolds park at 9:30 am. The run will cover the Jupiter Lighthouse area north to the Managee Pocket in St. Lucie county and back. There will be numerous sandbar/swimming/drinking spots along the way and lunch at Shrimpers in the Manatee Pocket. Dinner will be at the Waterway Cafe somewhere around 8:00 at night by water!! It's an all day affair and should see in excess of 25 boats!!!
JUPITER PULSARE,I cant make it this Sunday,but I want to try to get down your way at least once this summer:surf:.Have a great time and don't forget those pics.:thumb:
JUPITER PULSARE,I cant make it this Sunday,but I want to try to get down your way at least once this summer:surf:.Have a great time and don't forget those pics.:thumb:

It's too bad..there will be alot of boats. We also do another run like this in August and then there will be a Keys run in September.