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Looks like a Mate but it Ain't!

It would be more like second cousins. Concord is a spin off of Baja. One of the founders of Baja started the company many years ago.
I'm kind of liking this one.

Yup, looks suspiciously like the Baja 184 Sunsport. A neighbour has a 184 with one of the nicest metalflake gelcoats I've seen. Four different flaked reds! A very handsome boat. I saw a Mate with a similar treatment somewhere in the photo gallery....not as many shades though, but very nice.
concord boats

They still build a few of these in Sherwood arkansas I know the owner Brian that builds them and when I got my mate he said I had a great boat.

They still build a few of these in Sherwood arkansas I know the owner Brian that builds them and when I got my mate he said I had a great boat.


I'm on my 2nd Concord and had toured their factory back in 1996 or 97. The owner at that time was Fritz Hawkins. I see you posted a different name, is he relation or did the company sell since then ?

