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mid eighties Checkmate decals

Thank you for responding to me. I have a 1987 convincor 251. It has the horse and the name Checkmate after it. Thanks
If anyone is interested I just had a guy make me some exact reproduction decals on 3M vinyl with the horse head, two color perfect size and colors with UV laminate protection. I don't know what the price will be. Mine were a bit pricey because of design time but, he now has them on file just need to tell me what colors you would want and I can give you a price. The picture below is the original before I removed for buffing. I will post some pictures of the new ones when I get them on the boat.

i am looking for a set of decals for my exciter that smame color you have can you help?

I have not talked to the guy in a while but you can try his phone number. His name is Alan Tardiff 207-467-0309