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New Board Version


Staff member
The board upgrade is now complete.

There has been a number of changes, hopefully they're all good!

However, if you prefer the old board, you can actually still use the old version. When you sign in you can select which version you want to use. You might want to use the old version if you are using an older browser, that doesn't support the features that are utilized in the new version of the board.

Here is a listing of some of the changes;

All New Graphics and a Cleaner Design
New Menu Bar Selector for all Board Functions
Redesigned "MySpace" area (formerly MyPop)
Automatic Detect of Older non-DHTML Browsers
Popup Window for topic posting keeps a user on the original page
Better tools for posting UBB code and Graemlins
Custom Graemlins
Post New Topics to any forum from the main Categories and forums page
Quick Reply for instant text-only replies
Quick Login Option
Collapseable Categories with a 'Save Preferences' Option
Dynamic Hopto Selector Built into the Page Breadcrumbs
Report a Post to the Admin
Review Queue for monitoring but not moderating Posts
Signature User Preference
DHTML Member Menu link on Posts and Online Now Links
Completely Redesigned Style Control Panel

Whew, that was a mouthful!

If you read all that, I'm sure you noticed we now have the ability to have custom graemlins. Graemlins are a fancy name for smilies, in case you didn't know.

If you have a favorite graemlin post it here by linking to it, or provide me a link to one, and I'll add in the best ones. There is currently a limit to the number that can be added, so I'll add in the best ones.

Hope you enjoy the new look,

Best wishes for the New Year.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
The board upgrade is now complete.

There has been a number of changes, hopefully they're all good!

However, if you prefer the old board, you can actually still use the old version. When you sign in you can select which version you want to use. You might want to use the old version if you are using an older browser, that doesn't support the features that are utilized in the new version of the board.

Here is a listing of some of the changes;

All New Graphics and a Cleaner Design
New Menu Bar Selector for all Board Functions
Redesigned "MySpace" area (formerly MyPop)
Automatic Detect of Older non-DHTML Browsers
Popup Window for topic posting keeps a user on the original page
Better tools for posting UBB code and Graemlins
Custom Graemlins
Post New Topics to any forum from the main Categories and forums page
Quick Reply for instant text-only replies
Quick Login Option
Collapseable Categories with a 'Save Preferences' Option
Dynamic Hopto Selector Built into the Page Breadcrumbs
Report a Post to the Admin
Review Queue for monitoring but not moderating Posts
Signature User Preference
DHTML Member Menu link on Posts and Online Now Links
Completely Redesigned Style Control Panel

Whew, that was a mouthful!

If you read all that, I'm sure you noticed we now have the ability to have custom graemlins. Graemlins are a fancy name for smilies, in case you didn't know.

If you have a favorite graemlin post it here by linking to it, or provide me a link to one, and I'll add in the best ones. There is currently a limit to the number that can be added, so I'll add in the best ones.

Hope you enjoy the new look,

Best wishes for the New Year.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
How so Gus?

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
By uploading/posting photos directly to the site instead of linking or emailing them to you......Like Scream and Fly

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax/23" Tempest
Yeah I know guys. It's a cost and security issue. If you suddenly open up your server and allow people to upload files it can become really costly.

I've been involved with a number of message boards, as a member and as an administrator. Scream and Fly is the only one that I've seen that allows people to upload to their server at will. I guess they have enough advertising revenue and member contributions that they can afford to do that.

To be honest, most of the boards I've been on, people just usually utilize their own free webhosting service and then just link to the pics.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!

[This message was edited by Chris on January 01, 2003 at 01:35 PM.]
Ahh, you found that new smiley!

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
By the way everyone. I've discovered there is a bug in the online now listing. It is constantly showing there is nobody online. Hopefully it will be fixed shortly.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
2 quick things,
1, When using the reply button it shows an error on the page and will not allow the window for the reply to open.

2, Where did the menbership counter run off too.
The membership counter is at the bottom.

What browser are you using Gus?

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris:
By the way everyone. I've discovered there is a bug in the online now listing. It is constantly showing there is nobody online. Hopefully it will be fixed shortly.

It would appear that our online listing is now fixed. Kewl!

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 175checkmate:
I am using the latest version of IE. Seems to be working now.


1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Kewl!

I know there are a few gremlins infopop has discovered and is working on.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!