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New to board 1978 Trimate 2


New member
just bought first Checkmate 1978 Trimate 2 3/4 way restored runs great just needs interior redone. Runs like a raped ape ,115 evinrude. How do I get in touch or join Great Lakes mates? I need all info and advice I can get. I can't wait till next season ,but will give me time to get boat in order.This site is great lot of pics and info.Any body that wants to help let me know,Thanks
just bought first Checkmate 1978 Trimate 2 3/4 way restored runs great just needs interior redone. Runs like a raped ape ,115 evinrude. How do I get in touch or join Great Lakes mates? I need all info and advice I can get. I can't wait till next season ,but will give me time to get boat in order.This site is great lot of pics and info.Any body that wants to help let me know,Thanks

:welcome:and congrats on the mate . Well you are in the right place there are quite a few of us on here that has trimates (like myself) . So there is alot of info here . Ive owned mine for 5 yrs and my dad had one prior to that which he bought brand new in 77 . So any ?s just ask ....
:welcome:and congrats on the mate . Well you are in the right place there are quite a few of us on here that has trimates (like myself) . So there is alot of info here . Ive owned mine for 5 yrs and my dad had one prior to that which he bought brand new in 77 . So any ?s just ask ....
I live in northern Ohio, where is the hot spots in my area? will tow anywhere,is there any body local to Cleveland to hook up?
I live in northern Ohio, where is the hot spots in my area? will tow anywhere,is there any body local to Cleveland to hook up?

Hot spots in your area I dont really know of any . Even tho im 20 mins from toledo I rarely go into ohio . But there alot of guys on here that are from ohio and can steer you in the right direction. I know some of the guys come up thru out the year and hit the Saginaw river here in Michigan . I know they are talking about making that a annual run every year first week in august .
:welcome:and congrats on the mate.

x2 :thumb: Feel free to ask away. The guys in here are great!

Hot spots in your area I dont really know of any . Even tho im 20 mins from toledo I rarely go into ohio . But there alot of guys on here that are from ohio and can steer you in the right direction. I know some of the guys come up thru out the year and hit the Saginaw river here in Michigan . I know they are talking about making that a annual run every year first week in august .

That would be cool to do! :cheers: I'd be game next year if I can get my resto water-worthy by then.
x2 :thumb: Feel free to ask away. The guys in here are great!

That would be cool to do! :cheers: I'd be game next year if I can get my resto water-worthy by then.

I know im going to get out there next season for sure . I put that stator in finally so I dont have to worry about running out of battery power . Just need lots of fuel . And just hope the Trimate can keep up with the guys . I get up to about 55 mph but that really pushing lt ...
I know im going to get out there next season for sure . I put that stator in finally so I dont have to worry about running out of battery power . Just need lots of fuel . And just hope the Trimate can keep up with the guys . I get up to about 55 mph but that really pushing lt ...

I don't even know how fast mine even goes! :yell: Oh well, I'll try and keep up with you if nothing else.
I don't even know how fast mine even goes! :yell: Oh well, I'll try and keep up with you if nothing else.

Actually we should run pretty close in speed . Your boat I belive is lighter so you will prolly get ahead of me lol . I know there are things to make the old Trimate faster but im happy with the way it handles .
Spanky welcome to the Checkmate family, any on here will be happy to help you.. Don't be afraid to ask or share ideas ( we all make our boats custom to our own needs ) and share great tips and ideas ;)