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no hole shot


New member
im a proud new owner of a 1980 20'checkmate eluder w/225 johnson v6 mounted to the transom bought for a great price so never took on a test drive.when i try to go the bow goes straight up and then the prop sounds and feels like it spun the hub then i let off and try again.stuck in the hole???????/can anyone help
im a proud new owner of a 1980 20'checkmate eluder w/225 johnson v6 mounted to the transom bought for a great price so never took on a test drive.when i try to go the bow goes straight up and then the prop sounds and feels like it spun the hub then i let off and try again.stuck in the hole???????/can anyone help
Tucked in means trimmed all the way down. I don't know anything about outboards, but I think the first thing to look at would be the prop hub..
If the bow goes straight up and it is cavitating, it sounds like you have the motor trimmed way up.

Trim it all the way down and give it a go.
yea i checked those the motor was all the way in and the first thing i change was the prop,brand new.could the motor be moving out by itself???
Is the motor bolted directly to the transome, and how far below the bottom of the boat is the prop shaft?
thanks to all of you,i splashed the chec today and when i trimmed the motor all the way down i noticed that it wasnt all the way tucked in so i held the trim button down and it very slowly tucked in i feel stupid, but man does she go.thanks again for your help