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November 2012's Boat of the Month Vote!

November 2012's Boat of the Month Vote!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
It's time for November 2012's Boat of the Month Vote! :)

It's the end of the season, so get some good shots of your Checkie now so we have some to carry us through the off-season. :thumb:

This months contest includes three holdover pics, plus two brand new pics which were chosen by the community. Here's how this deal works for those of you who don't know...

The top vote getter in our poll will be declared our "Boat of the Month" for November 2012 and the bottom vote getters will be eliminated from next month's poll. The remaining three boats will carry over to next months poll and we'll find two new ones to add to make a total of five.

Here are the rules! Please read them before voting!

1) To be eligible to vote in this poll or any poll, you must have 100 total posts and have been a member for at least 365 days. If you wish to bypass those two thresholds, then you have the option of joining our supporting member program.

2) NO voting for your own boat!

3) No relatives or family members voting for your boat either. IF multiple voters are found with the same I.P. addresses voting for the same entry, we will view this as suspicious and we will investigate. If irregularities are found, the entry in question will be dealt with appropriately.

4) One member, one household, one vote! You are only supposed to have one account. If you have multiple accounts, contact me and I will merge the accounts into one with combined posts etc. Given that you're not supposed to have multiple accounts it stands to reason, you shouldn't be using multiple accounts to cast more than one vote. Again, if this is discovered, we will deal with it as fairly as possible. However, if an owner is found to be stuffing the ballet box so to speak, or breaking the rules, the most likely result will be disqualification from the poll. Claiming your two year old voted or the family dog has an account and voted won't wash!

5) All votes will be public. So names will appear beside the voting option similar to how they appear for the nominations.

Let's remember folks, this is supposed to be a fun little feature people. Let's not take it too seriously. Let's keep some perspective and have some fun.

Pics up for consideration are posted below. :)
Entrant #1, "Madtown's" 2100 Pulsare! :devil:

I can't vote in this one. It's like asking me to choose one of my children over the other!
I'm torn by the pain of this Solomonesque Decision.
Or..... I could vote for the green guy.......it is sooooo very green.
Speaking of green, I wonder what the going price is for a vote these days?
Or, maybe just vote for the boobs. Nothing wrong with that.
I'll have to pray for guidance on this one.
20 bucks? Anyone?
atc has sold his soul for less.
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Like a true sporting gentleman, I gave my vote to Spence but I don't know if he will be around to return the favor. Anyone know where the heck he's been?

You are a member of the Starliner cult, there is no choice for you. :)

Oh, and I have OFFERED to sell my soul for less but unfortunately there haven't been any takers. :(
Like a true sporting gentleman, I gave my vote to Spence but I don't know if he will be around to return the favor. Anyone know where the heck he's been?

You are a member of the Starliner cult, there is no choice for you. :)

Oh, and I have OFFERED to sell my soul for less but unfortunately there haven't been any takers. :(
Speaking of which,..... where has been The Spence?
And just for the record- we don't discuss rectal favors in public.
Sorry:lol: What was I thinking?
By the way- What happened today on the pre-Armageddon Greenwood Lake Thunder run?
Normally I vote for the under-represented car mota guys......but Im a sucker for boobs this time I guess.....haha
Thanks Dave! Can't believe I managed to hold off the other guys. Makes the weeks I spent stripping the hardware off and refinishing the deck all the more worth it. Until I can prepare a proper acceptance speech I want to thank Spence for taking that great pic. Action shot FTW!! :)
Congrats ATC250R
Great action shot of a beautiful Liner --- gonna look good on the home page.
You had pretty tough competition but you pulled it off --- good job.