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Only 4000RPM at WOT???


New member
Earlier today I took out my 02 Convinsor 300 that I have just recently bought. New to boating but today was nice and the water fairly calm so I decided to open it up. Has twin 496's and sounds great. Boat rides smooth but could only hit approx 4000RPM at 60mph. I was under the impression the 496 motors ran upwards of 5000RPM. All temps and oil pressure were good, tabs were up drives were down. Is there maybe a governor???
What size props are you running? She should run 5,000 RPM. How high are the drives? Is the bow coming up out of the water?
If you know someone who has boating experience have them go on a run with you to show you how to operate the boat for max efficiency. It will save you a bunch of time learning and give you more time to enjoy. Have fun with that beautiful beast!
Yes, Since you are new to boating I suspect that you are not raising the out drives or "trimming" them up as the boat increases speed. The angle of the outdrive and prop need to change in relation of the boat as speed increases to allow the boat to ride up on top of the water freeing up the drag on the hull and allowing the motors to obtain maximum rpm and speed.

It would greatly help if a friend could go for a ride with you and show you the ropes.
Move your computer keyboard up away from the lower edge of the table about 6 inches or so. Place your left hand palm down, fingers together, pointing right, onto area in between keyboard and edge of table. With elbow and palm on table, lift fingers approximately 1 inch up. Lift whole arm up to eye level. Palm is stern, fingers are bow, little finger side is port, thumb side is starboard. Make vessel attain the fingers up nose up attitude in the water by lifting 'tilting' the outdrives up at speed.
Ahhh...it's been so long since I was a newbie I almost forgot what it was like, well almost:brickwall: Thanks to all who chimed in as it definitely helps me understand better. Heck, looking at it now tells me I set myself up for an easy and legitimate target to bash but somehow you guys had restraint...Thanks:)