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  • The exercise comment. Awesome. I used to be the big guy in the room, still big, but working on that.
    Are you still making checkmate decals? If so please text me. I have an 12' 1986 Checkmate Playmate that im restoring, one of the last ten ever made. The original decals are in decent shape but im about to remove and wet sand over them. Anyhow i have pics with measurements. Please text me at 254-424-3365. My name is Ryan! I hope to hear from ya!
    Keith, I'm looking for a couple decals, one for inside my engine hatch and one for my f250 back window no slider. Red for the truck and black for the boat. You could tx me examples of what you could make up at 4196560377. Thx Kent
    Googmorning Keith, looking to purchase some decals for my CM Sprint tunnel, if you could email me @ robert.klemann@teaminc.com Thanks
    Hey keith its joe I'm down at palmetto harbour,was wondering how you made out with the dock builder. Give me a call. Thanks 631 748-1279
    Send some pics of something you or your wife think Candace would like. I'm talking about your recent post on new stuff you are doing. Thanks, Charlie. sonicss33@verizon.net
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