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Recent content by keith4216

  1. keith4216


    Coop still around? Is he still building his dreams? Does he actually have a running boat of his own yet? Lol
  2. keith4216

    The old Checkmate Factory

    That's awesome for her and your families. I'd like to have that boat were I'm at now. Mine was a parts donor and scraped. Never growing up lol
  3. keith4216

    The old Checkmate Factory

    Sad. I grew up in checkmate.
  4. keith4216

    Checkmates on the Chesapeake 2023

    Search Chesapeake Bash. We did this for years. You can get t shirts much more affordable.
  5. keith4216

    Persuader boats on YouTube

    Congrats on getting things moving. Its been a long road I've been watching you on. I have a peice of wood I found in my boat I keep forgetting to show you. It has initials and the yr built by someone with a drill bit.
  6. keith4216

    December 2021's Boat of the Month Nominations!

    Headline says December but artical says November. Don't be in such a rush. Your wife make you put up the tree already? Lol
  7. keith4216

    Even More CL Finds!

    74 jetmate. 18 k. Better start ordering those winter upgrades you'll still have it.
  8. keith4216

    Persuader Boats Buys Wahoo Powerboats.

    Coop let me know when you want a 25 gtx for cheap too add too your collection. Good to see your work paying off.
  9. keith4216

    No posts here in two years!

    I'm originally from Calvert. All the guys on here including myself have either moved or sold their checkmate.
  10. keith4216


    Not what I wanted to see tonight. It really hits home when it's a guy you have met. Spent many hours bsing with and stirring the pot with on here. This is really sad. He was way to young and had a young family. Dave would work his day job and then go mow grass for a few more hours to get that...
  11. keith4216

    Where's my truck?

    Jim. I was worried we might have to mail you instructions what to do with the new changes. Happy the wife Fiqured it out for you. :ROFLMAO:
  12. keith4216

    Forum Upgrades 2021

    Thanks Chris. I'm sure this is a huge project for you. Ol jimway is going to be so lost. Lol. Hope you had happy holidays.
  13. keith4216

    November 2020's Boat of the Month Vote!

    Change it. Long overdue. Most don't use computers anymore. Thanks
  14. keith4216

    November 2020's Boat of the Month Vote!

    Don't see any pictures.
  15. keith4216

    Even More CL Finds!

    You said fuel economy:rof: