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Forum Upgrades 2021


Staff member

I'm sure most of you have noticed that the forum has changed quite a bit in the last few days.

Over the New Years weekend, I have been working away at upgrading the forum software, as well as dramatically upgrading the server the site runs on. The work is still ongoing as I write this, but I thought I would open up the forum so that all of you can start to use it.

The previous photo-gallery has not been imported yet, so the media section of the site, currently has no content. That's a task I am still currently working on.

Because we have completely changed the forum software, expect that during the conversion process, some issues will have been created. Issues like incorrect permissions etc. password and login issues to name but a few.

Also I'm reviewing some of the file upload policies. Currently I have things configured so that any registered user can upload an image as an attachment. Previously, as you recall, that benefit was reserved for Forum Supporting Members only. I know many members now use their phone to view the forums, which on the old forum, obviously made it difficult to hotlink to free photo sites and post pictures. So we're going to try allowing any registered member to upload images to the site, although we are capping the total size in kilobytes that each member can store. Supporting Members will get larger storage capabilities. We will review the new system over time and try to come up with a fair solution that allows members to share pictures and content but that also helps keeps hosting costs manageable.

Please bear in mind, where we are at today is merely just a starting point.

The forum software we have upgraded to is much more modern and is being actively developed, unlike the old vBulletin software we were using on the old site. The old vBulletin software we were using is still very popular and it served us well, but it became obvious better software solutions were developed and became available over the last year or so.

So you can expect that once again, new features and upgrades will be coming to the site on a fairly regular basis. I am also obviously still in the process of importing content, fixing up missing and broken things, so expect things to slowly improve day by day and week by week.

There are already a bunch of new features that have been added, so I'm going to let all of you figure out what they are, and show us what you can do with them.

Please use this forum, to post any issues you encounter as well as your feedback, and I will do my best to get things fixed up for you.

I ask in advance for your patience.

I hope you enjoy the new forum upgrades it was a lot of work!

All the best,

Chris, thanks for taking the time and energy to keep this great forum up and running and now upgrading it! I have not been an active poster here for awhile now but I still read just about every post on this forum. I am excited to see if the new setup is more phone friendly and maybe get back to posting some more.
Chris, thanks for taking the time and energy to keep this great forum up and running and now upgrading it! I have not been an active poster here for awhile now but I still read just about every post on this forum. I am excited to see if the new setup is more phone friendly and maybe get back to posting some more.
You’re welcome!

Let me know how things work on mobile for you.

It should be much better!

Chris, it looks great so far. I'm sure there will be a few bugs along the way, but it'll all be good in the end. Best wishes and thanks for all you've done over the years to make the Forum such a useful and informative Site. Jim
Chris, it looks great so far. I'm sure there will be a few bugs along the way, but it'll all be good in the end. Best wishes and thanks for all you've done over the years to make the Forum such a useful and informative Site. Jim
Thank you Jim, that’s very kind.

Thanks for being part and participating in the community.


I'm sure most of you have noticed that the forum has changed quite a bit in the last few days.

Over the New Years weekend, I have been working away at upgrading the forum software, as well as dramatically upgrading the server the site runs on. The work is still ongoing as I write this, but I thought I would open up the forum so that all of you can start to use it.

The previous photo-gallery has not been imported yet, so the media section of the site, currently has no content. That's a task I am still currently working on.

Because we have completely changed the forum software, expect that during the conversion process, some issues will have been created. Issues like incorrect permissions etc. password and login issues to name but a few.

Also I'm reviewing some of the file upload policies. Currently I have things configured so that any registered user can upload an image as an attachment. Previously, as you recall, that benefit was reserved for Forum Supporting Members only. I know many members now use their phone to view the forums, which on the old forum, obviously made it difficult to hotlink to free photo sites and post pictures. So we're going to try allowing any registered member to upload images to the site, although we are capping the total size in kilobytes that each member can store. Supporting Members will get larger storage capabilities. We will review the new system over time and try to come up with a fair solution that allows members to share pictures and content but that also helps keeps hosting costs manageable.

Please bear in mind, where we are at today is merely just a starting point.

The forum software we have upgraded to is much more modern and is being actively developed, unlike the old vBulletin software we were using on the old site. The old vBulletin software we were using is still very popular and it served us well, but it became obvious better software solutions were developed and became available over the last year or so.

So you can expect that once again, new features and upgrades will be coming to the site on a fairly regular basis. I am also obviously still in the process of importing content, fixing up missing and broken things, so expect things to slowly improve day by day and week by week.

There are already a bunch of new features that have been added, so I'm going to let all of you figure out what they are, and show us what you can do with them.

Please use this forum, to post any issues you encounter as well as your feedback, and I will do my best to get things fixed up for you.

I ask in advance for your patience.

I hope you enjoy the new forum upgrades it was a lot of work!

All the best,

Thanks much Chris!!
I couldn’t get on for a few days and was having heavy withdrawal symptoms, started to panic that the site was never coming back. Thinking I would never see SCT’s Craig’s list Checkmate listings thread or another Jimway story was giving me cold sweats!
I couldn’t get on for a few days and was having heavy withdrawal symptoms, started to panic that the site was never coming back. Thinking I would never see SCT’s Craig’s list Checkmate listings thread or another Jimway story was giving me cold sweats!
Thanks for caring about the site - that means a lot!
Ok, help! I can't seem to locate the membership area to renew my yearly subscription/donation. Teach this old dog the new trick!
Ok, help! I can't seem to locate the membership area to renew my yearly subscription/donation. Teach this old dog the new trick!
Select your name at the top and from the drop down, choose account upgrades. After that select the type of account and duration. It should then take you directly to PayPal.
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