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Opinions on this boat

The boat has been for sale for a while. There is a little project kind of stuff that needs to be done. If you are looking for a big boat and are willing to put some time and money into it, it could be good.
I'm just hesitant about the two motors. On the fence about it or getting a bigger boat with a single engine. That 283 stays at the same campground as me so I've seen it run and stuff
I owned a single engine 283 for 10 years. I loved the boat. When i wanted to upgrade it was to a twin engine 283, the deal did not work out.. If you have the big water and the motivation, that could be a great boat. I actually downsized to a hot rod bowrider. FWIW
I'm looking for somthing a little bigger and faster than my 216 convincor. I can't decide if I need a dual engine boat or a single. I river boat never been in rough lake waters.
Really it all depends on what you want. I'm not sure how much faster the twin motor boats are than the singles, but I do know they are a huge pain in the ass to work on. plus everything is twice as expensive, two impellers, two props, twice the fuel ect. The 283 is a great hull. After riding in ProblemChild's with a single 600sc in it, that't the route I would go if for no other reason than the ease of maintenance on the back/kness and the wallet.
Working on a single is plenty tight on my 283 . I could not imagine with twins. Also a 283 is alot of boat for a river runner imo. Unless your talking a huge river. I think the 242, 251, 253, 259 would all be quite a move up and it takes alot of power to push the 283 but I don't think the price is to bad if its clean , dry and low hours as it states. 20k would be much better lol. Good luck !
Working on a single is plenty tight on my 283 . I could not imagine with twins. Also a 283 is alot of boat for a river runner imo. Unless your talking a huge river. I think the 242, 251, 253, 259 would all be quite a move up and it takes alot of power to push the 283 but I don't think the price is to bad if its clean , dry and low hours as it states. 20k would be much better lol. Good luck !

Sounds like a single engine boat be a better option. I like the 253's a lot. I'm just gonna have to shop and find a nice one for sale.
That 283 has been for sale for years and yes working on twin engine 283 is a royal pain.
If you don't need the added size of the 283 the 253 is a fun hull, I love mine. I wouldn't mind a single engine 283 though if I found a good deal on one. Not sure what kind of truck you have but you wouldnt want to tow a twin with a 1/2 ton very often.