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Oxidized Gelcoat & Pitted Bottom


As discussed in July in the introductory forum the 1988 Spectra 171 that I purchased had three issues to be dealt with; (1) oxidized gelcoat, (2) a missing boarding ladder section, and (3) a high rising bow when the boat comes up out of the hole. I have now resolved the rising bow by installing Nauticus Smart Tabs and the missing ladder section by installing Dotline ladder parts. The oxidized gelcoat is still an issue that I'm not sure what to do about. Wet sanding only partially removed the oxidation and then after a few days in the sun it reappeared again. I now have also discovered that the bottom lower part of the stern that sits in the water has a lot of pitting. Since I am enjoying the boat so much right now and the summer season is nearly over I am going to live with these two issues and deal with them over the winter months. Any suggestions of how (new gelcoat, paint, etc.) I should deal with these two issues will be greatly appreciated (see two pictures below).
Did this boat sit in the water? Just wondering if it sat without bottom paint. Its a dark color so your gonna need to wet sand the crap out of it. If it comes right back you didn't get it all. I think this might be a case of sanding and repainting with a pitted bottom and the gel looks done.
Thanks Kieth for your input about my boat's bottom pitting and gel issues. Yes, based on the water stains on the bottom of the boat I believe the boat sat in the water on Greenwood Lake, NJ where I purchased it. There is no sign of the bottom having ever been painted. I discovered the pitting when I tried to remove the water stains. The pitting appears to be gelcoat blisters that have opened up. The marina that I bought the boat from suggested bottom painting now as the way to prevent the blistering from becoming worse. I am debating whether this is the correct way to deal with the issue and am planning to get other opinions before proceeding. Are there boat fiberglass shops down your way that I might be able to get an opinion from?
As for the wet sanding of the gelcoat I think you are correct, I just didn't get it all. I only sanded a test portion of the stern and nothing on the bow deck. I'm not sure I understand your comment "the gel looks done". Does this mean you think I may have to have the boat totally sanded down and regeled?
Top deck looks salvageable from the far away picture. Be prepared for a lot of wet sanding, followed by buffing and regular waxing.
Heres a before and after of mine
It's not perfect but a lot better. I'm not sure on how long it will hold up that was done over the winter and it hasn't seen much sunlight.
Thanks for your input. I know I am in for a lot of wet sanding. Your boat looks great. Did you power buff or hand buff?