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Active member
Ive been told that drilling a 1/8 " hole before each ear of the prop will help it spin faster by slightly cavitating it. Is this true and what benifits and or downfalls does this mod have?
Ive been told that drilling a 1/8 " hole before each ear of the prop will help it spin faster by slightly cavitating it. Is this true and what benifits and or downfalls does this mod have?
I have cavitation holes in my laser. They have plug to be able to tune the prop. I don't know if 1/8 holes would be large enough to do any good.Mine are a lot bigger than 1/8". I can cavitate the woo out of my prop is I stand on it from a stop. So they may do something. I don't have the plugs for mine to compare so I don't know.
You've got mail.
Quite a bit of tunning can be done with the vent holes in the prop hub. I also have a couple of smaller hub props that have a removable ring that can be pressed on to take up the air gap between the prop and gear case. I can feel a deffinate diffrence by removing the ring. It seems to mostly change the hole shot and mid range, top end was not effected as far as I could see.