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prop solution


New member
Hi guys, I have 87 predictor
87 115 I-6 merc
6" setback
6" centerline below pad can raise about 3"
51 mph at about 5300 rpm
currently running 21p alum prop I want to replace with ss.
Is laser 2 my best choice, what pitch?
Or do you think something else?
Bent a blade so I might as well upgrade today.
Thank you
What is your objective with the boat? Top speed, pulling skiers and tubes, cruising with family? How well did the old prop work for everthing you were doing with the boat?

On old, pad bottom, outboard Checkmates, most find the best speed with a 4 blade Mercury trophy plus. They also find that prop in a slightly smaller pitch works well for the other stuff. I would try a 19 or 20p and if I was looking for speed raise the prop center line to even with the pad. But you would have to have low water pickup and some of the higher side pickups blocked so you don’t lose water pressure.