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New member
Ive always bin told epoxy resin is supirior to the polyester. Whats everyones thoughts on both, will the epoxy resin bond properly to an older boat made with the polyester?
When I replaced my transom/stringers I used 1708 with West System epoxy at a room temp of 60 degrees. Wetting the 1708 was a bit more involved because of the thick viscosity of the epoxy, but was a stronger end result. When I put the floor in I switched back to the poly resin making sure it was not applied to the epoxy resin. Three seasons and the resto is still like new.

It is all a matter of preference and your ability/comfort level working with the different materials.

Too be honest, if I ever did another resto like the one on my Starflite I would probably use poly through out the entire job. I tend to overbuild, thinking I am not knowledgeable enough to get a good job completed.

Having the proper tools to work with was a definate plus.