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Saginaw River Memorial weekend '09

Man, looks like a great time... I've been thinking about making the trip up there to ride on some of that fine flat water. I spent the weekend taking my beating on St. Mary's lake, about always rough there, but I'm used to it.

Keep the photos coming fellas!
Great shots Fellas.

My hats off to Matt, who has done another fine job fixing up another semi-basket case Mate. Good job once again! :thumb:

TN - Your new Pulse looks minty, very nice. :devil:

Mr. Buss - It looks like you've got your rig dialed right in, nice job. :)

Thanks for the kind words Chris. We had a blast.

I finally found out how it must have felt for many others on the river that I passed in the Predictor. I didnt like it. Buss passed me like I was standing still.
matt, i was hopin you were gonna take me for a ride the predictor, im willing to bet its a little different in the pasenger seat...
oh well, maybe next time..:cheers:
Sounds like I missed a good one......I won't miss the next one though! I had a great time at Silver Lake though....my truck came home on a trailer....good thing it's a lease!
I had a great time at Silver Lake though....my truck came home on a trailer....good thing it's a lease![/quote]
sand dune's ? or bad luck or both ?
I went to Silver Lake State Park....its a big ORV area where you drive on the sand dunes, have sand drag races, and hill climbs. Although we have put a checkmate in the lake up there in the past to go party on the beach that you can't drive to.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun 2 stroke'in Nice pics
