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School me: Polyester vs. Epoxy


Active member
I see so much conflicting information. Most use polyester systems for laminates and such. This is obviously what I will be doing on my resto.

My concern is repairing where I cut through the hull (oops). Obviously epoxy would be stronger, but that changes my lay up schedule... right? Also, what is this about epoxy and gel not liking each other?

I'd think 3-4 layers both inside and outside of the repair would suffice with the polyester system I will be ordering.

Help clear my mind!
I see so much conflicting information. Most use polyester systems for laminates and such. This is obviously what I will be doing on my resto.

My concern is repairing where I cut through the hull (oops). Obviously epoxy would be stronger, but that changes my lay up schedule... right? Also, what is this about epoxy and gel not liking each other?

I'd think 3-4 layers both inside and outside of the repair would suffice with the polyester system I will be ordering.

Help clear my mind!

Here's a big write up on epoxy resin: http://checkmate-boats.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23210&highlight=epoxy To answer your question either one will be fine, your boat was build with polyester resin.
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My experience is only with epoxy. But, from what I've learned: epoxy is more expensive, stronger, more flexible, not as toxic (no stinky fumes), and will except gelcoat with proper prep. Some people are allergic. You can put epoxy over poly but not vice versa. Epoxy doesn't like chopped strand unless it is stitched to mat. Hope this helps.
Wonderful information guys! However, I still don't know what I should use for what I need to do. I like the fact that epoxy is "stronger", but that seems to be the only plus. Poly is nice because it costs less and I am budget conscious on this build.

What would you guys do and why? Just trying to wrap my head around this process before I buy materials.
Wonderful information guys! However, I still don't know what I should use for what I need to do. I like the fact that epoxy is "stronger", but that seems to be the only plus. Poly is nice because it costs less and I am budget conscious on this build.

What would you guys do and why? Just trying to wrap my head around this process before I buy materials.

I used polyester resin for all my resto's for the simple reason it's cheaper. I haven't had a problem with anything coming loose. For what you're doing poly will be fine. You can't go wrong with either, just depends on how much you want to spend.
poly will be fine, its what the boat was built with from the start, its plenty easy to work with, and the smell isnt bad if you wear a mask. I rebuilt my whole boat with poly and liked working with it, epoxy is fine too, but for big stuff not worth the money in my book.
I am a VERY budget conscious person, so cost is a large part of the equation. Poly it is.

I need to save every penny I can for other odds and ends. Not to mention I need to get to work on out 1974 BMW 2002 and get ready for a cylinder head swap on my Z28.

Somebody jump in if I'm wrong,but I thought I had read that epoxy was better for under the water line repairs(more waterproof).That's why I was going to use it on my rock rash repair on the MX.The bottom needs a repaint,but I just want to seal the repair good for now.