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Skip Hagerman's site


Staff member
I just wanted to plug a really cool website I found. It's Skip Hagerman's Antique Boat & Motor Mania. Skip provided us with the pics of the 1976 Mercury Performance Catalogue I recently posted in the Showroom, and he was also good enough to add our site to his links page. Thanks again Skip!

Skip's site celebrates something near and dear to my heart, which is older boats and motors. I myself have a couple of 1950's motors, a 5.5 Johnson and a 7.5 Evinrude, so I really enjoy wandering around Skip's website and I thought you probably would too.

Here is a link to Skip's website....

Skip Hagerman's Antique Boat & Motor Mania website

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!

[This message was edited by Chris on January 28, 2003 at 11:39 PM.]
I just wanted to plug a really cool website I found. It's Skip Hagerman's Antique Boat & Motor Mania. Skip provided us with the pics of the 1976 Mercury Performance Catalogue I recently posted in the Showroom, and he was also good enough to add our site to his links page. Thanks again Skip!

Skip's site celebrates something near and dear to my heart, which is older boats and motors. I myself have a couple of 1950's motors, a 5.5 Johnson and a 7.5 Evinrude, so I really enjoy wandering around Skip's website and I thought you probably would too.

Here is a link to Skip's website....

Skip Hagerman's Antique Boat & Motor Mania website

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!

[This message was edited by Chris on January 28, 2003 at 11:39 PM.]
LOL Why couldn't you have found that? It shouldn't be that hard, like they said with the internet...

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
Don't normally go lookinf for the clasic boat stuff. I have trouble with the stuff from the 70's let alone from the 50's.lol


1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+
Same with me, except I enjoy to be looking at the newer models of boats, not as much the old ones. I like the old woodies but other than that, not to much tickles my fancy...

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
You know the old classics are huge in the Muskoka's guys, it's a real status symbol to have one in the boathouse. And some of the old boats really fly. Go check out this Gentleman's Racer...

Gentleman's Racer

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Thats a nice Gentlemen's Racer! I wouldn't mind at all having any old boat such as that and I am sure I would change what some people think of me...

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!