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Tilt Trim leak


New member
I noticed some oil in the aft hull. The tilt/trim pump was oily so I cleaned it and tightened a couple lines that appeared to be leaking. The pump was sitting is this area on the bottom beside gas tank.


I pulled it up to the rear seat for easier inspection and maintenance. I waited overnight and appeared to have fixed the leak. I put in back in the bottom of the hull and an hour later noticed more oil. It may have been leaking from the fill screw, but can't confirm that yet. I cleaned that area again to verify in a couple hours. Since this thing is just sitting in the hull not secured to anything, I started to wonder if it should be mounted in a certain position to avoid leaking. What say you CM gurus?

Yes the trim pump should definitely be mounted and be mounted right side up, so that you can read the lettering on the reservoir as in the lines are coming out of the bottom.

There is a vent screw that it's likely leaking from if not mounted. I wouldn't want that heavy thing bouncing around in my bilge anyway.

They are normally mounted with their own bracket like:

Looking like my problem has been solved. I made a bracket for the Tilt/Trim pump and it seems to have stopped leaking for now. I will wait until tomorrow to permanently mount it, just to be sure.

Thanks again.:bounce:
No leaks as of this morning. I will finish mounting the bracket I made for the pump and wrap it up this evening. Nothing feels better than success.