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Water in the hole


New member
I bought the 88 Spectra 170 and was cleaning it up yesterday. I found some water trapped in a section under the center floor storage area. I went to the back of the boat where the pump is and found a small hole that is supposed to let the water drain into this section. The problem is it seems there are leaves, twigs, screws and all kinds of stuff that washed into the lower section that can't come out that small hole. Does anyone have a good fix for this? I was thinking of opening up the hole from the ski storage area big enough for an arm to get down in there and clean it out evey now and then. ( I'll put up some pics as soon as its cleaned up a little )
I would make the hole bigger so you would be able to clean out the passage. Be sure to reseal the bare wood after you cut out the hole.
Gus is right, that is the best thing to do, but if that makes you nervous, use a plumbers snake to clear the debris out, then just make sure it stays clean.
Have you tried compressed air? blow from stern to bow.I had that problem with a boat I used to have so I used the compressed air trick.then I put a screen over the hole on the bow end...thereby nolonger allowing anything in the drain path.I could clean the screen easily.