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Where are you from?

United States:

Arizona: pete, sunrider
Arkansas: HOT H20, BBB, Dwayne, persuader72715
California: Exciterman, TEAMBAJASUCKS
Connecticut: markmdz, Red_Dogg, wetvette, 85Predictor120, orangecrush, The_Black_Knight, borg
Delaware: russcarlisle
Florida: MrWick, RedNosePitBull, John Pickett, CJT, chkmte, Mikevr007, enchanter21, Anthem of the Sun, Commando
Georgia: toast, convincor97, TheMaxx
Illinois: bdusted440, Kev, Bert, tbacha, MikeW, JAnderson, gla, boatsrme
Indiana: Merc-Mate, foyboy, supergenius74, jet tech, dgmccall, chad c, MERC 225, Indiana, hydroslide
Iowa: Bill, Craig
Kansas: checkmate626
Kentucky: Disturbed, honda herb, Dave Brinkley, TRsCheckmate
Louisiana: jwh445
Maine: 85predictor, thunder
Maryland: Lance, GAMBLER, chinaride, DONCONVINCER, AP
Massachusetts: Mopar Matt, Shaun: AWelsh, 85diplomat, Shaun, trd4runner3l, mistertoadie, Geoff Kellum, mad max
Michigan: Mike D, JW, Checkmate243, Riley, BUKKAKIBLASTER, Jet_Dub, Pulsareproud, Follis38, mike240zt, flo, Big "Z", illMATTic bakedgoods222, Pat-MX15, over board, merc245, Convincor283, joezt280, Redboat, Ynnad, fnshrmaster, sprusak1, bedmx, Mich Pulse, addgasgofast, triplextruble, Pratical Magic, t, gtrumpet, Diplomat82, badassb
Minnesota: C-mate 280, boardhed, jkeiper, Alan, pulse185, FASTROG, Kevin Russell
Mississippi: Will
Missouri: c durell, 1BADMATE, marquis4506
Nebraska: 175Checkmate
New Hampshire: Leedo Lanes, CHECKNIT, benc
New Jersey: SHARKEYMARINE, Surf Bum, CLAUDE MABES, RaisingKane, dcp, check22, JJFRASE, ilovecrashing00, Seamate, FRANK, wishihadalakehouse, Ruus G., TruckinMatt
New Mexico
New York: Eriktheviking, vinny p., New York, Dave T, Hooper, Burke, mike a, nicody, F150GT, SLAYER, INXS, J.B., Brian, conv240, Enforcer 24, mate229, BOB'S283, Diane, 91 GTX, cor124, MR.VISION22, John B, Dr. Phil, 82 Predictor, brian s, centur508, dlcss396
North Carolina: TaySikes, Tommy, QST4IT, Tommy, samjr, lovethemates2, TaySikes, elcomm03
North Dakota: ndmate, CM FARGO, jemckay
Ohio: jmorganste, JV, fastskipper, seeing clearly, Checkmate78, CheckmateOhio, Stretch, cooperider, Top Gun, leggo4x4, PDW, convincor26, the sMac, firecatgreen, alwaysredee, LakeRaider
Pennsylvania: j davis, jgoshow, Mooneys
Rhode Island: billm, ckmate225, manny dias, DaveJ.
South Carolina: eaksta, BullittBen, Taz, saltair
South Dakota
Tennessee: posta, Tennessee Pulsare
Texas: Vmax, Tejas Raz, daren34, Soup to Nuts, Big Dave, Tristan M, The Mate, happy, rsscoggins, bowtie
Vermont: Ethan Swain
Virginia: 89 Maxxum, wickedrister, Hemibee, VA Beach, VaPredictor, wickedrister, Shat Mat
Washington: bad61ss, Idaho Persuader, montiboats24
West Virginia
Wisconsin: Gslinger, pete j, Hoodlum, kegonsa kid
Wyoming: okeyo


British Columbia: Moore, bostoncan
Alberta: marcus
Manitoba: Mark, petersfield
Ontario: Chris, Chevy Z, Malibu, Sid Deville, MX-13, Persuader183, JohnR, Crave2WaterSkii, Bruce, CDN_CADS, Chris E, lemire, Dave Y., deluxerman, Yukon, ahunter, tsunami, TCAT
Quebec: sonoma, claupie
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories


Holland: senator-holland, Bubba
Germany: checki

Russia(Moscow): Peter-Mos

I'll edit this as we gather everyone's location.
Long Island, New York
United States:

Arizona: pete, sunrider
Arkansas: HOT H20, BBB, Dwayne, persuader72715
California: Exciterman, TEAMBAJASUCKS
Connecticut: markmdz, Red_Dogg, wetvette, 85Predictor120, orangecrush, The_Black_Knight, borg
Delaware: russcarlisle
Florida: MrWick, RedNosePitBull, John Pickett, CJT, chkmte, Mikevr007, enchanter21, Anthem of the Sun, Commando
Georgia: toast, convincor97, TheMaxx
Illinois: bdusted440, Kev, Bert, tbacha, MikeW, JAnderson, gla, boatsrme
Indiana: Merc-Mate, foyboy, supergenius74, jet tech, dgmccall, chad c, MERC 225, Indiana, hydroslide
Iowa: Bill, Craig
Kansas: checkmate626
Kentucky: Disturbed, honda herb, Dave Brinkley, TRsCheckmate
Louisiana: jwh445
Maine: 85predictor, thunder
Maryland: Lance, GAMBLER, chinaride, DONCONVINCER, AP
Massachusetts: Mopar Matt, Shaun: AWelsh, 85diplomat, Shaun, trd4runner3l, mistertoadie, Geoff Kellum, mad max
Michigan: Mike D, JW, Checkmate243, Riley, BUKKAKIBLASTER, Jet_Dub, Pulsareproud, Follis38, mike240zt, flo, Big "Z", illMATTic bakedgoods222, Pat-MX15, over board, merc245, Convincor283, joezt280, Redboat, Ynnad, fnshrmaster, sprusak1, bedmx, Mich Pulse, addgasgofast, triplextruble, Pratical Magic, t, gtrumpet, Diplomat82, badassb
Minnesota: C-mate 280, boardhed, jkeiper, Alan, pulse185, FASTROG, Kevin Russell
Mississippi: Will
Missouri: c durell, 1BADMATE, marquis4506
Nebraska: 175Checkmate
New Hampshire: Leedo Lanes, CHECKNIT, benc
New Jersey: SHARKEYMARINE, Surf Bum, CLAUDE MABES, RaisingKane, dcp, check22, JJFRASE, ilovecrashing00, Seamate, FRANK, wishihadalakehouse, Ruus G., TruckinMatt
New Mexico
New York: Eriktheviking, vinny p., New York, Dave T, Hooper, Burke, mike a, nicody, F150GT, SLAYER, INXS, J.B., Brian, conv240, Enforcer 24, mate229, BOB'S283, Diane, 91 GTX, cor124, MR.VISION22, John B, Dr. Phil, 82 Predictor, brian s, centur508, dlcss396
North Carolina: TaySikes, Tommy, QST4IT, Tommy, samjr, lovethemates2, TaySikes, elcomm03
North Dakota: ndmate, CM FARGO, jemckay
Ohio: jmorganste, JV, fastskipper, seeing clearly, Checkmate78, CheckmateOhio, Stretch, cooperider, Top Gun, leggo4x4, PDW, convincor26, the sMac, firecatgreen, alwaysredee, LakeRaider
Pennsylvania: j davis, jgoshow, Mooneys
Rhode Island: billm, ckmate225, manny dias, DaveJ.
South Carolina: eaksta, BullittBen, Taz, saltair
South Dakota
Tennessee: posta, Tennessee Pulsare
Texas: Vmax, Tejas Raz, daren34, Soup to Nuts, Big Dave, Tristan M, The Mate, happy, rsscoggins, bowtie
Vermont: Ethan Swain
Virginia: 89 Maxxum, wickedrister, Hemibee, VA Beach, VaPredictor, wickedrister, Shat Mat
Washington: bad61ss, Idaho Persuader, montiboats24
West Virginia
Wisconsin: Gslinger, pete j, Hoodlum, kegonsa kid
Wyoming: okeyo


British Columbia: Moore, bostoncan
Alberta: marcus
Manitoba: Mark, petersfield
Ontario: Chris, Chevy Z, Malibu, Sid Deville, MX-13, Persuader183, JohnR, Crave2WaterSkii, Bruce, CDN_CADS, Chris E, lemire, Dave Y., deluxerman, Yukon, ahunter, tsunami, TCAT
Quebec: sonoma, claupie
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories


Holland: senator-holland, Bubba
Germany: checki

Russia(Moscow): Peter-Mos

I'll edit this as we gather everyone's location.
Michigan; Jamie 1995 pulse 186