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windshield insert

Anyone? it's a real pain in the a$$ when my 3 year thinks she need to go up front every two minutes, I guess I should probably just take it off and leave in at the cabin when the rugrats are with me.
I have wondered that too

Why do Checkmate b/r's have removable center windshield instead of hinged like every other boat?:confused: Anyone ever put a hinge on one?

My Glastron has a hinge and I never have to worry about where the center is or will it blow around and get beat up.
You should be able to put on a S.S. piano hinge. Most windows are in from edge about 3/8"(to be sure just remove the top or bottom rail and check your clearance before you drill.:bigthumb:
My solution has been to run with the window out and tucked in beside the passenger foot well on the port side(in front of the cup holder). The window kind of fits in there up against the carpet and never moves. I don't know if every Eluder has this same little area, but I think if mine didn't I would make a holder for the glass in this same area with a bungie cord to secure it.
I don't like the hinge idea much as the thing will bang around if left open when underway and I would have it open most of the time.
I keep my center windshield up in the bow incase I need it . But very rare is my center piece ever in . Now when my dad had his trimateII he always ran with his in .
I usually use the eluder by myself when it's not that warm out, I like to have mine in most of the time to stay warm, if it's warm enough to have it out we normally are on the pontoon boat, I think I might try to put a hinge on it.
It's a syling thing. I don't know about all the other models, but I suspect they're similar to my Eluder. Instead of a boring, flat windshield they've got an appealing, sexy curve. If you tried to open it the center section wouldn't lay nice and flat but would stick up and likely break.
Valid point

It's a syling thing. I don't know about all the other models, but I suspect they're similar to my Eluder. Instead of a boring, flat windshield they've got an appealing, sexy curve. If you tried to open it the center section wouldn't lay nice and flat but would stick up and likely break.

The windshield on my Glastron is made up of all flat panels. It lays nice and flat and has never banged around since I bought the boat new in 1982.

The windshield Trimate III has no flat parts so I doubt that it would look good folded over and sticking out. When running early and late in the year it makes a big difference keeping that cold blast of air out. :bigthumb:
When I first purchased my 2005 2100br I was thinking of why this center section wasn't hinged, but I also leave mine in the passenger side storage area. But another thing I've been wondering is why there is no glove box on these boats. All the other boats I've owned ( lund and crestliners) have had glove boxes. It's nice to have a place to stowe little stuff like a flashlight or my wallet.
I keep the center windshield above the bow storage area. You can't see it in the picture below, but the carpeted board doesn't quite reach the bottom of the forward deck, and the center windshield just squeezes in at the top way up in the bow. Stays there nice and secure, no rattling or bouncing around in waves. Inside of the center access hole is where I keep 3 fenders during the summer.

Isn't this a pretty boat? I'm nuts for throwing it out there for sale


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I keep the center windshield above the bow storage area. You can't see it in the picture below, but the carpeted board doesn't quite reach the bottom of the forward deck, and the center windshield just squeezes in at the top way up in the bow. Stays there nice and secure, no rattling or bouncing around in waves. Inside of the center access hole is where I keep 3 fenders during the summer.

Isn't this a pretty boat? I'm nuts for throwing it out there for sale

yup, you better hang on to it, it's a nice boat. :thumb:
My solution has been to run with the window out and tucked in beside the passenger foot well on the port side(in front of the cup holder). The window kind of fits in there up against the carpet and never moves. I don't know if every Eluder has this same little area, but I think if mine didn't I would make a holder for the glass in this same area with a bungie cord to secure it.
I don't like the hinge idea much as the thing will bang around if left open when underway and I would have it open most of the time.

I have mine tucked in the very nose of my boat under some spare life vests, your idea is good also. ty
Hmmm.... i'm not sure where mine even is any more!! :irked: When i take the boat out, it's almost always with a bunch of kids who can't seem to keep still, so i don't even bother. It really makes no sense unless you fly solo with a bow cover and you want to look good. I will keep it on when it's sitting and it has a cover over it, so the edges don't tear it.