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Over powering a pulsare 1600br ??


Active member
Long story but I ended up with a 1600br, thought I was going to look at an 18' and it was mis-represented to me. My plan was to hang the 200 johnson gt I have in the garage on the boat and put the 115 4 stroke on my pontoon. Since it was 1200 miles round trip and a good enough deal on the little 16' pulsare and 4 stroke merc I bought it anyways. Question is what's the biggest horse someone has put on one of these little pulsare 16s? It looks like my 200 would only be about 80lbs heavier than the 115 4 stroke that's on it.... let the opinions fly. Debating on doing the swap as i'm not getting much interest in the boat with it or without power on it.
I looked at that boat a couple years ago...not in person but got him to send pics. Fortunately, I was able to pick up on the fact that that it wasn't an 18...sorry you got pulled into it. BUT now that you got it, a repower would be pretty cool. I agree with the opinion above, the hull will handle your motor, but insurance is a no-go. If you don't care and just want a lake a rocket, do it.
1600 has the same hull as my Diplomat. The weight of the 200 would not sink it but if it were mine I would leave the 115 on it. The hull starts chine walking at around 55. I know guys have set them up with the right setback and height to stabilize them with low weight 2 stroke V6's, but it becomes a one trick pony. I find the hull tons of fun with a V4. Good ski and tubing boat, and still gets me up to 55 when i want to rip. When you do go to sell the 4 stroke will be far more salable. Put the 200 on the pontoon! Haha. Nothing sinks them.
Thanks for the replies guys, pretty much confirmed all of my reservations on this deal. Hopefully the boat sells, with or without power. In the meantime I have a boat that burns very little gas, something I've never daid before, I can tell you that much!
1600 has the same hull as my Diplomat. The weight of the 200 would not sink it but if it were mine I would leave the 115 on it. The hull starts chine walking at around 55. I know guys have set them up with the right setback and height to stabilize them with low weight 2 stroke V6's, but it becomes a one trick pony. I find the hull tons of fun with a V4. Good ski and tubing boat, and still gets me up to 55 when i want to rip. When you do go to sell the 4 stroke will be far more salable. Put the 200 on the pontoon! Haha. Nothing sinks them.

I thought about putting the 200 on the pontoon. Looks like it's only about 150 lbs heavier than the 75 I have on it but part of my motivation on this deal is we use the pontoon A LOT and it burns a ton of fuel pulling my 3 and a half year old in the tube and he's already not scared of wot back there. I'd probably go broke with the 200 and 6 carbs on the toon.